Nice thread Dowoshek i too am interestedand enjoy music with a western or "desert" sound to it and have used some time trying to find it. I like the western sounding movie music but there is also a lot of really cool desert rock. Probably pretty hard to pit many of these into genres . I think where you and me clash is that i like the more dark, desperate and eccentric stuff
Ony of my favorite albums of all time would be Calexico - Black light. Check it out i think you would enjoy it. More up-beat rock with big mariachi/morricone influences. Solid album from front to back and mostly instrumental with a few tracks with vocals. song from the group that made the music for the game read dead redemption. This is much more atmospheric and downtempo:'ll go on a spree and post some links to different stuff that may or may not be what you are looking for but you can check it out for yourself
Murder by Death (worth taking a look at all the albums) ... re=relatedSlim Cessnas Auto Club Munly Sand (varies a bit) of Perdition (doom filled country :p) Wyatt & Rachel Brooke Poor Bastards ... re=relatedLuis Bacalov (definately up there with Morricone) by Truckers'death Ambassadors El Bronx (punk band goes mariachi) are some that came to my mind and most probably not what you were looking for but i got carried away
Some of the links i chose pretty randomly not really going for a personal favorite or anything. I have albums from most of those and i could probably upload if you are interested.
Long post already but could you recommend some classical music? I dont know much except i can't get enough of Vivaldis Winter. I usually like the beautiful but dramatic/sad stuff but other than vivaldi i've only listened to some mahler and some asian composers i found from movies which isn't that much classical anyway