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EL FUEGO by Oliver Kassman

Postby Kassman » Sat Aug 01, 2015 12:27 pm

If any of you have 5 minutes - I'd appreciate some feedback from experts on this Western short I made.
Hope you like it!

See you all a little further on down the trail..
Last edited by Tequila on Sat Aug 01, 2015 2:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: EL FUEGO by Oliver Kassman

Postby Tequila » Sat Aug 01, 2015 2:08 pm

Hi and welcome Oliver Kassman,

I splitted your post from an obsolete one and I pushed your movie contribution as our Western movie of the month ! It really deserve : nice photo, nice music, nice actors.

Thank you for your post.


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Re: EL FUEGO by Oliver Kassman

Postby Barto » Sun Aug 02, 2015 2:40 pm

Hello Oliver and welcome to the forum!

Thanks to share your short movie, I had a really nice time watching it! Vimeo is full of nice shorts, and I'm always sad people do not get more on this website. It seems people prefer to search for "funny cats" on youtube sadly...

I'm definitely no expert but I really felt like the spaghetti western genre was brought back into this short. Silent characters and the music is a really nice choice to make emphasys on the lonely ambience in the forest. Clothes choice was really nice with the amount of details. I can really feel they are in the middle of a more complex story with their expressions that tries to talk under the scars.
Camera angles were simply just perfect, I can see that a lot of work has been done on this crucial part.

Really, like Tequila said, you deserve to be in the Western Movie of the Month page.
I see that you are even listed on IMDB and it does not lie: that was some professional work you have done in this short with all your team.

My congratulations on this short, continue on this (trail?) line!
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Re: EL FUEGO by Oliver Kassman

Postby TheDoctor » Sun Aug 02, 2015 9:21 pm

Not sure, if I completely understood this movie (
husband tries to sell his wife for reward to a stranger, wife gets saved by stranger, stranger is a moron and turns his back to wife, wife is a crazy, unthankful bitch
), but overall I did enjoy it. Wished, it had a bit tense trash talk in it, though.
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Re: EL FUEGO by Oliver Kassman

Postby ellystarks » Sun Aug 09, 2015 4:40 pm

I have seen this movie and I can say it was very descent film. It may not be as powerful as other western movies but it was entertaining. :lol:
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