Looks like Smokin' Guns is the staff selection for the month of January over at MODDB. Quite an honor! Check out the video.
ModDB TV Group ModDB Spotlight January 2009 video - Mod DB
Looks like another review has popped up on the net. Get a translator ready unless you speak Czech.
We have no idea exactly when the next patch for SG will be ready but it promises to be a great one. Back porting to IoQ3 continues & many fixes/enhancements are being made to many areas of the game. New cvars, hud options & server admin functions are being introduced. The mappers have decided to make a new duel map where each mapper contributes a section or two. Should make for an interesting piece. In addition, we'll be fixing some bugs in the previously released maps.
Looks like L3th4l upgraded a few things on the website this week. Over to the left of the main page under Community, try clicking the SG Server List link. From here you can see what servers are running & who is playing on them. You can also join a server directly from the page if you have one of the supported tools. Neat!
Torhu released Monster Browser 0.4b now with proper SG support!
Now for something I've been thinking about for some time. I've discussed it with some of the oldest dev members & they agree. Joe Kari & Tequila have really breathed new life into the project since the stand alone release & we are very proud of them. They are hereby formally invited to be official SG Dev Members.
PS. We might be switching our TeamSpeak channel to a new server this week so the IP address will be changing if that happens.