With cordite in the air, splintered steel, shell casings and powder burns, there’s only one explanation...

Moderator: Pardner

Nominated for awards! XFire Support! Oh my!

Postby ReD NeCKersoN » Wed Feb 10, 2010 2:10 am

2009 was a great year for Smokin' Guns, and to be nominated for MODDB's best independant game of the year was truely an honor! Even if SG didn't win, it's quite a compliment to be included in this category by the editors over at Mod Database. Thanks MODDB!

Editors Choice - Best Indie Game video - 2009 Mod of the Year Awards - Mod DB

My hat is off to all of our talented staff here at Smokin' Guns & to the previous team, Iron Claw Interactive. I honestly never thought this western shooter would attract so much attention when we started working for it 5 years ago. Oh, and muchas gracias to the loyal fans! Without all of you gunslingers SG wouldn't amount to much. :)

In case any beta testers missed it in the forum, Joe Kari released an updated version of his Alamo level with many new enhancements. You can simply connect to one of the beta test servers with autodownloads enabled to get the files, or grab it from our addon section at MODDB.
We hope to release an official SG version 1.1 fairly soon, but there's always a possibility we might have one more beta test first. For instance, I know of a map or two that are getting some changes that should require testing. We'll have to wait & see.
Hey look! Smokin' Guns is now officially supported in XFire! Get it today!

Lastly, EvilFutsin is looking for volunteers to help him make a new SG movie! He wants this to be a short video that will hopefully be filmed in one day. If you're not quite sure what this is all about, have a look at this flick entitled The Final Gunfight that was filmed in Western Quake 3 about 6 years ago. 8)
Last edited by ReD NeCKersoN on Wed Feb 10, 2010 11:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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ReD NeCKersoN
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Postby @spi » Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:52 pm

looking forward to an offical 1.1 release, to update our public server.
be sure the crowd playing on, are trusty guys and real sg FANS !

thanx for the game !
best regards to all :P
Posts: 26
Joined: Tue Sep 08, 2009 11:25 pm

Postby -]DES[- Player_3 » Sun Feb 14, 2010 3:47 am

Epic woot for Xfire!!! :D

Can't wait for 1.1 to come out, you guys are doing great :D
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-]DES[- Player_3
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