(No, we do not have a projected release date. As soon as we can comfortably do so, we will announce the date.)
The ever popular Baller Bude server, operated & maintained by our good buddy TheDoctor, is celebrating it's 2nd birthday November 9th. Head on over to THIS THREAD to participate in the poll, get some additional info, & there's a special link if you hurry. Happy B'day BB!

SG level designer Pardner has been working hard on his new map Death Valley Mine & it is coming along nicely. With any luck, this will be included in the next release. Head on over to his WIP thread for general info, videos & screenshots. Looking good Pard!
Ever wonder how much work goes into making a quality map? Check out Pardner's time lapse film of his latest project:
DeathValleyMine Time-Lapse - Mod DB
What you won't see in that vid is the hours & hours of learning that goes into level design.
Quote by Pardner: "In this map, I could not get good looking terrain and rock walls. So I stopped and took a 5 year break."

I'd like to remind everyone that LuckyGenDago has a dedicated TeamSpeak server running just for Smokin' Guns fans with plenty of user slots, so hop in & say howdy!

Lastly, a new forum section has been created to showcase videos of SG in action. Check out The Silver Screen for fan made films in all their glory!