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Problem Creating new server

Postby lion » Sat May 31, 2014 12:25 am

Hi all :D
I need you help! :D
I am trying to create a new server, i start smokinguns_dedicated.i386, i set Router Forwarding and triggering of 27960's port, but i can't view my server in server's list... why? any suggestion?
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Re: Problem Creating new server

Postby /dev/random » Sat May 31, 2014 2:34 am

You need to start the server like
Code: Select all
smokinguns_dedicated.i386 +set dedicated 2

Otherwise the server won't send heartbeats to the masterserver and you thus can't find it in the in-game serverlist.

qconsole wrote:Resolving master.smokin-guns.net (IPv4)
master.smokin-guns.net resolved to
Sending heartbeat to master.smokin-guns.net

The cvar "dedicated" defaults to "1". You should be able to connect to your server with that setting as well, if you know its public IP and port (net_port / net_port6 and possibly net_ip / net_ip6, though you might want to use an "what's my ip service" if the IPs are set to INADDR_ANY (default)).

Note that you can only set "dedicated" at startup, not via your server.cfg.
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Re: Problem Creating new server

Postby lion » Sat May 31, 2014 9:56 am

Yes, i wrote that, and i set also the netport, but also if i specify my ip on another pc it can't find my server... Why? :(
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Re: Problem Creating new server

Postby /dev/random » Sat May 31, 2014 2:45 pm

Let's assume your server/router has the public IP (v4) and you're using the default net_port of 27960.

From another computer on the internet you might want to try pinging the public IP (which will be the IP of your router in your case);

Code: Select all
$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=50 time=13.9 ms
--- ping statistics ---
9 packets transmitted, 9 received, 0% packet loss, time 8010ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 12.296/15.149/19.075/2.006 ms

If that works, the problem is most likely the port forwarding for Smokin' Guns.
If it does not work, you either have a routing problem, are using the wrong IP, or a firewall/configuration blocks the required ICMP echo replies of the ping.

From the other computer, try connecting to your server;
Code: Select all
$ smokinguns.i386 +set developer 1 +set logfile 2 +connect

This enables developer mode and writes to a logfile in ~/.smokinguns/smokinguns/qconsole.log, which might contain error messages.

If everything goes well, the logfile should contain lines like the following;
qconsole wrote: resolved to
CL packet challengeResponse
challengeResponse: 12345678
CL packet connectResponse
Connected to a pure server.

You can also enable developer mode on your server, either at startup with "+set developer 1" or from the serverconsole with "]developer 1".
Once a client is connecting, you should see log messages like;
qconsole wrote:SV packet : getchallenge
SV packet : connect
SVC_DirectConnect ()
Client 0 connecting with 0 challenge ping
ClientConnect: 0

Note that IPs starting with 192.168. are private and will only work in your LAN but not on the internet.

Please try pinging your public server/router IP from another computer outside your network, e.g. by a friend. Also have someone else trying to connect to your server from outside and collect the logfile mentioned above for error messages.
"it can't find my server" is not specific enough of an error message to try to solve your problem, as there's more than a dozen things that might have gone wrong.

If you can, let your server run for some time and post its IP here in the forum, so some other user (e.g. me) might try to connect to it and debug the problem.
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Re: Problem Creating new server

Postby TheDoctor » Sun Jun 01, 2014 1:32 am

lion wrote:i set Router Forwarding and triggering of 27960's port, but i can't view my server in server's list... why?

A /dev/random wrote, this is likely a network problem (and independent of Smokin'Guns).

Make sure, you specify UDP (instead of TCP) in your port forwarding rule. You seem to be aware, you must tell your router to forward any UDP packet from outside with destination UDP to the host of your server, e.g. UDP 192.168.?.?:27960.

Then I'd use T4EPortPing on a Windows machine to test, whether I can reach the server, e.g. from the internal network
T4EPortPing 192.168.?.? UDP 27960

and from the external network
T4EPortPing UDP 27960
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