Joe Kari wrote:No: shotgun are not supposed to have the same weaponRange than pistol, they should have a smaller one.
that's out of question i believe
Something like:
rifle: 7500
pistol: 5000
shotgun: 3000
...should give something good with my formula.
like stated before:
"i don't think that makes sense -- the gun would be much too strong in the beginning already - and much too strong in far distance (since that should be where the damage drops) "
i assume that you would increase weapon-damage a bit to keep weapons powerful in their normal-to-use-range (e.g. mid-distance for pistols). If you want to keep colt-peacemaker still doing 30 damage in a distance of 1000 units (using range 5000), you need to increase weapon-damage to 36. At the same time the gun still does 24 damage on a distance of 2500 units and 20 damage on a distance of 5000 units.
In my opinion the weapon should do less than 36 damage at start, and it should do less damage on a distance of 2500 and 4000 units. (2500 units is the distance you are able to walk when holding your forward-key for 12,5 seconds).
sidenote: in br_durango the distance from defender's spawnplace to the money-exit is about ~2000 units
for rifles the formular appears to fit better.
And for shotguns, it's the same as with pistols. Altough the formular appears to be better with range-values below 1000 (for shotguns), since spread is supposed to do the rest.
I don't think it is necessary to make game more complicated than needed though, since too much realism takes away the fun.
In fact, this formula is
less complicated. lol
And have no conditional part.
And I don't see why this will 'take away the fun'
you took my sentence out of content --- i replied to your last sentence: "As a side note, consider my formula to be close to real life physics, it is just a bit simplified"
and meant, that not everything that's "realistic" should be necessarely implemented into a game