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Re: Port to Raspberry Pi?

Postby TheDoctor » Tue Dec 11, 2012 11:40 am

Munny Shot wrote:FYI not unsurprisingly, EDIS have ceased the free RasPi CoLo offer. It also appears that the owner, William, is having legal difficulties after being held responsible for illegal traffic coming from his TOR exit. More here for interested parties

This is why we can't have nice things... :wink:
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Re: Port to Raspberry Pi?

Postby /dev/random » Fri Dec 21, 2012 5:58 pm

I'm still here, now with a new computer (as well as a "new" Laptop, Pentium II) :)
So while this problem is fixed, I'm now left with a mostly unusable internet connection.
I'll report back on porting the diff once I've sorted that one out as well.

Great to hear that VoIP is working well. Just FYI, VoIP is also included in demos recorded from within the game, so you can enjoy all the trashtalk during playback lateron :P

P.S.: Regarding the RPi colocation http://www.lowendtalk.com/discussion/co ... ent_166522 . Even at 2€ the offer would still be better than most vServer offers with comparable hardware.
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Re: Port to Raspberry Pi?

Postby Munny Shot » Fri Dec 21, 2012 8:39 pm

Good to hear you're back in business :)
Re the CoLo, obviously the original offer generated a lot of interest and I can totally understand needing to cover expenses. But cheap as it seems for very little extra over 2€ you can have a "proper" virtual server with more bandwidth and faster disk i/o which would be my preference.

Seasons greetings.
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Munny Shot
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