I lost 4 hours of my time trying to figure out without success and you just have to add a prefix, proves completely my time as a "Modder" <-(unrelated mod i couldn't finish) has passed, haha.
Tried the prefixes and they work great.
Thanks a lot Doc
A question completely off-topic, i looked all around the forums and the moddb site
it appears the ZeroRadiant mapping toolz v2.1 disappeared, i assumed the SG staff removed it because some troubles and such and downgraded the mapping_tools to v2.
if you recomend the usage of ZeroRadiant against GTK1.4 would you be willing to
share the v2.1 mapping tools?.
if you do i'd share a permanent link(s) for anyone who needs it.
Im appending a quick question: i made an alpha grass texture, but the texture in-game shows the black background and ignores the Alpha channel, what am i missing?, what surfparams should i use and where?