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Moderators: Joe Kari, Pardner, TheDoctor, Breli

Re: Macho's questions

Postby MachoBastard » Thu Nov 07, 2013 12:08 am

I lost 4 hours of my time trying to figure out without success and you just have to add a prefix, proves completely my time as a "Modder" <-(unrelated mod i couldn't finish) has passed, haha.

Tried the prefixes and they work great.

Thanks a lot Doc :)

A question completely off-topic, i looked all around the forums and the moddb site
it appears the ZeroRadiant mapping toolz v2.1 disappeared, i assumed the SG staff removed it because some troubles and such and downgraded the mapping_tools to v2.

if you recomend the usage of ZeroRadiant against GTK1.4 would you be willing to
share the v2.1 mapping tools?.
if you do i'd share a permanent link(s) for anyone who needs it.

Im appending a quick question: i made an alpha grass texture, but the texture in-game shows the black background and ignores the Alpha channel, what am i missing?, what surfparams should i use and where? :?
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Re: Macho's questions

Postby TheDoctor » Thu Nov 07, 2013 2:16 am

MachoBastard wrote:ZeroRadiant mapping toolz v2.1 disappeared, i assumed the SG staff removed it because some troubles and such and downgraded the mapping_tools to v2.

I don't think it was a conscience removal, but the file just got lost. Probably v2.1 was basically v2.0 + a minor addition.

ZeroRadiant was just a name for GTKRadiant v1.6, which is based upon the GTKRadiant v1.4 architecture and design. I don't know in which ways v1.6 might be superior to v1.4. In terms of configuration, I would expect it to behave similar to v1.4. You could just give it a try with v2.0 tools. If you run into troubles, I'll give it a try. Up to now, I used Netradiant for my few mapping endeavors.

MachoBastard wrote:i made an alpha grass texture, but the texture in-game shows the black background and ignores the Alpha channel
You did use an image format such .tga or .png which supports alpha? .jpg files for example don't. Then you might want to use alphaFunc in your shader definition:
qer_editorimage textures/doc_plant/pine_branch.tga
cull disable
map textures/doc_plant/pine_branch.tga
alphaFunc GE128
rgbGen lightingDiffuse

Look into the default shader files (scripts/* in smokinguns/sg_pak0.pk3) for more use cases. If you run into persistent troubles, create a simple example .map and I'll take a look.
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Re: Macho's questions

Postby MachoBastard » Thu Nov 07, 2013 7:39 am

You did use an image format such .tga or .png which supports alpha? .jpg files for example don't. Then you might want to use alphaFunc in your shader definition:

Yup, i knew i needed an alpha channel on .tga, i got it working now, i had to use another example from the SG pk3.

now i came across a problem regarding the hi res lightmaps, i added the necesary code acording to the hi-res lightmaps tutorial in this forums:

q3map_lightmapSize 1024 1024
q3map_lightmapBrightness 2.0
tcgen lightmap
map $lightmap
rgbGen identity
map textures/bx_tex/grass_bx-5gents001.jpg
blendFunc filter

did the same to all the textures i used on a single map, compiled using -super 2, -patchshadows -sky 1.5 on q3map2, but i get no files created from the code nor .shader file. and the compiles says (128, 128, 256) im guessing it should say 1024 after i add the code.

what am i missing? :?
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Re: Macho's questions

Postby MachoBastard » Thu Nov 07, 2013 11:17 pm

nvm about the last reply, i got it workin now, i copied an example from the SG pk3 file, also, i had to apply on all my surfaces the "hrl" textures i created (all of em are TGA) with the code:

q3map_lightmapSize 512 512
q3map_lightmapBrightness 2.1
qer_editorimage textures/bx_tex/grass_bx-5gents001.tga
// q3map_nonplanar (Tried with and without, not very sure what's for)
// q3map_lightmapMergable (Tried with and without, as i understand it has to do with terrains which i don't use.)
map textures/bx_tex/grass_bx-5gents001.tga
rgbGen identity
tcgen lightmap
map $lightmap
blendFunc filter

After that i got this:

(compiled using: -bounce 1, -super 2, -patchshadows)

I've to say its not as "hi-res" as i expected, but it's significantly better than the crappy 128x128 lightmap, totally worth it.

I gave it a test run on my home pc, and everything seemed Ok (except my lightmaps look very different from Joe's tutorial in many ways).

Then i copied my SG folder to my work pc that has similar specs and i got weird light blobs im sure weren't there before:


I've to mention i've tried it with 512x512, 1024x1024, 2048x2048 resolutions on the .shader file, with no difference whatsoever.

Are this problems related to my hardware? or should i change my light params?, Joe seems to be getting very different results from the same tutorial. :?
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Re: Macho's questions

Postby TheDoctor » Fri Nov 08, 2013 11:37 pm

MachoBastard wrote:Are this problems related to my hardware? or should i change my light params?, Joe seems to be getting very different results from the same tutorial. :?

I don't think this is a hardware-related problem.

Other than that, I have no clue. Did you try to specify "rgbGen identityLighting" instead of "rgbGen identity" in the lightmap stage? If so, also remove "q3map_lightmapBrightness". Also make sure, you don't specify -lightmapsize in your q3map2 command line.

You could also upload your map in it's current stage to let me try things.
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Re: Macho's questions

Postby TheDoctor » Sat Nov 23, 2013 8:46 pm

TheDoctor wrote:Please, Tequila, Red, Pardner, Sucalakafufu, Sparcdr, Breli, ChainLightnin', /dev/random, Joe Kari et. al.: search your hard drives for the following files:
  • LosBarriles.rar or dm_barriles* (Rancho Los Barriles)
  • DM_SanIgnacio.rar or dm_rchurch* or dm_gchurch (Ruined Church of San Ignacio)
  • GhostTown_ElOro.rar or dm_ghostt* or *eloro* (Ghost Town: El OroEl Toro Town)
  • DM_AguaLeon.rar or dm_agualeon* (Sawmill Of Agualeon)
  • DM_ElTriunfo.rar or dm_eltriunfo* (Fort El Triunfo)
  • (dm_rumorosa*) - just mentioned once
  • (El Toro Town) - not sure if this equals "Pueblo muerto" and/or "Ghost Town"
  • (Sembradillo) - not sure this is a map

In this matter, Pardner e-mailed me today. Unfortunately, he, too, has none of the above files and maps. As Joe Kari and /dev/random did already reply, this leaves Tequila, Red, Sucalakafufu, Sparcdr, Breli, ChainLightnin'.
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Re: Macho's questions

Postby TheDoctor » Sun Mar 30, 2014 12:43 am

TheDoctor wrote:Please, Tequila, Red, Pardner, Sucalakafufu, Sparcdr, Breli, ChainLightnin', /dev/random, Joe Kari et. al.: search your hard drives for the following files:
  • LosBarriles.rar or dm_barriles* (Rancho Los Barriles)
  • DM_SanIgnacio.rar or dm_rchurch* or dm_gchurch (Ruined Church of San Ignacio)
  • GhostTown_ElOro.rar or dm_ghostt* or *eloro* (Ghost Town: El OroEl Toro Town)
  • DM_AguaLeon.rar or dm_agualeon* (Sawmill Of Agualeon)
  • DM_ElTriunfo.rar or dm_eltriunfo* (Fort El Triunfo)
  • (dm_rumorosa*) - just mentioned once
  • (El Toro Town) - not sure if this equals "Pueblo muerto" and/or "Ghost Town"
  • (Sembradillo) - not sure this is a map

In this matter, ReD NeCKersoN e-mailed me today. He was able to recover LosBarriles.pk3 (depicting a rocky ranch) and dm_eltriunfo.pk3 (a huge, confusing fort map; pk3 includes the .map source). This leaves Sucalakafufu, Sparcdr, Breli and ChainLightnin' to answer.
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Re: Macho's questions

Postby Biondo » Sun Mar 30, 2014 12:57 am

I had the honour to play both maps in Baller Bude tonight, and I have to say that, in my opinion, before they can be included in a regular server mapcycle, they'd need a redesign. I haven't tested them enough to say if they could be able to offer a fun gameplay, but visually they are significantly outdated. Knowing the outstanding skills of Macho Bastard - when talking about visually effective mapping - a redesign would certainly make a difference.
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