With cordite in the air, splintered steel, shell casings and powder burns, there’s only one explanation...
For all you mappers out there!

Moderators: Joe Kari, Pardner, TheDoctor, Breli

Postby MachoBastard » Sat Jun 06, 2009 2:42 am

Hi again to sg community, since red and pard liked the train station the most i decided to "finish" this map first..

so here it is.. 8)


Click The Image To Download!

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about the pk3, i didnt packed it before in that format 'cause i actually only released my maps for sg staff. this one its some sort of less "beta"..lol, so just put the file inside your "Smokin' Guns/smokinguns" directory and it'll be ready to go.. :D

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Postby ReD NeCKersoN » Fri Jul 10, 2009 2:11 am

I actually looked at this map soon after you posted, but got busy with work & forgot to post feedback. Sorry! (Has nobody else tested this?)
First let me say (yet again) that you have a great imagination! You also have a good eye for detail in many ways, but not so much in other areas. In this screenshot for instance, the map looks like a floating piece of land in space. But as long as I don't pay attention to that I'm content while running around inside the level. Also, I hate to sound like a broken record but you really do need to learn some optimization techniques. Check the FPS count in the photo. (My computer is getting old but it's still quite fast compared to many who play SG.)

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Postby Sucalakafufu » Fri Jul 10, 2009 9:39 am

lol i agree with Red about the floating thing

um can anyone repost the download? it isnt working for me... :(
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Postby MachoBastard » Mon Oct 26, 2009 7:46 pm

Howdy, been some time...my last host died so ill post/repost my last maps, so..here they are: :)

(Click images to Download)

----------Tecate Train Station----------
Tecate Trains Station - dm_ttstation.jpg - DM_TecateStation.rar

----------Aguacaliente Woods----------
Aguacaliente Woods - dm_aguacaliente.jpg - DM_AWoods.rar

----------Pueblo Muerto----------(the only one i've liked so far) :|
Pueblo Muerto - dm_pueblomuerto.jp - DM_PuebloMuerto.rar

see ya around!, and leave comments 8)
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Postby Sucalakafufu » Tue Oct 27, 2009 3:49 am

pretty nice maps. one thing: for some reason im not able to load them all at once. only the one that is loaded last is actually loaded. the rest are being overwritten. i renamed them trying to work around that but it didnt change anything. so im only able to load one at a time :P

also is there supposed to be a way to get on this roof?

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Postby MachoBastard » Tue Oct 27, 2009 4:31 am

thanks for the comment, and no theres no way to get there, its player clipped.. :|
perhaps ill remake the map to improve fps drops and some details later on.. :)
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Postby Pardner » Tue Oct 27, 2009 5:06 am

I have a few comments:

there seems to be an invisible texture on the surroundings of the ladder:

Also, once I was down the ladder I expected a gain in FPS, but I didn't. Further investigation shows that all the triangles are being drawn all the time.
Image Image
This can be fixed by:
  1. Using the caulk texture when ever a side of a bush will never be seen
  2. Making a big caulk brush under the map
  3. Using structural brushes (block vis) and detail brushes (do not block vis). This can be done by right clicking in the 2D window and selecting "detail" or "structural". Structural brushes should be used on walls and anything that can block the visibility of a player. Detail should be on anything that cannot be used to block a players visibility (window frams, stairs.. etc)
  4. Do a full -vis compile. It takes longer by it improves FPS I think.


All three of the maps look really good! I think they need a little more work to improve the frame rate and playability. Maps are pretty big and are hard to really test in an evening.
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Postby ReD NeCKersoN » Wed Oct 28, 2009 2:05 am

Good to see you stop by Macho! Keep mapping!
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Re: Macho's questions

Postby TheDoctor » Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:20 am

A revised version of dm_ttstation.pk3 is available on BB. You may use this file under the same conditions as the original .pk3 file. Feel free to comment on what is good and what should done differently.

Thanks again, MachoBastard, for entrusting me modifying your map. Also, Macho, please check your private message inbox.
Last edited by TheDoctor on Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Macho's questions

Postby TheDoctor » Mon Nov 04, 2013 6:53 pm

Hi everybody,

we need your help! As MachoBastard, the creator of this topic, wrote recently in this post, he lost all his SG-related files. He offers to reconstruct and republish them, if we can at least give him the .bsp files.

Please search your hard drives for any of the following files:

  • LosBarriles.rar or dm_barriles* (Rancho Los Barriles)
  • DM_SanIgnacio.rar or dm_rchurch* or dm_gchurch (Ruined Church of San Ignacio)
  • GhostTown_ElOro.rar or dm_ghostt* or *eloro* (Ghost Town: El OroEl Toro Town)
  • DM_AguaLeon.rar or dm_agualeon* (Sawmill Of Agualeon)
  • DM_ElTriunfo.rar or dm_eltriunfo* (Fort El Triunfo)
  • (dm_rumorosa*) - just mentioned once
  • (El Toro Town) - not sure if this equals "Pueblo muerto" and/or "Ghost Town"
  • (Sembradillo) - not sure this is a map

You may contact me via e-mail, if you have further questions. I'll update this list, if maps get submitted. Thank you for your efforts.

Best regards,

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Re: Macho's questions

Postby Biondo » Mon Nov 04, 2013 11:09 pm

We are talking of ages ago, right? Since I don't have any of the maps you named. Never heard of.
Why don't we ask to Iron Claw Interactive?
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Re: Macho's questions

Postby TheDoctor » Mon Nov 04, 2013 11:53 pm

Biondo wrote:We are talking of ages ago, right? Why don't we ask to Iron Claw Interactive?

The time period is February to October 2009, which is post Iron Claw. I specifically asked in this topic, because the persons here are most likely the ones who tried out Machos maps.

So please, Tequila, Red, Pardner, Sucalakafufu, Sparcdr, Breli, ChainLightnin', /dev/random, Joe Kari et. al.: search your hard drives :).

Edit: Joe Kari answered via e-mail. He has none of the above files and maps.
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Re: Macho's questions

Postby /dev/random » Tue Nov 05, 2013 10:10 pm

TheDoctor wrote:So please, Tequila, Red, Pardner, Sucalakafufu, Sparcdr, Breli, ChainLightnin', /dev/random, Joe Kari et. al.: search your hard drives :)

Took a quick look in the Smokin'Guns and downloads backup folders on my external disk, but found no matches.
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Re: Macho's questions

Postby MachoBastard » Wed Nov 06, 2013 3:55 am

If my old maps are missing and nowhere to be found i don't think they were good at all, haha, but not to worry, i plan to make some more on my spare time (which lately has been a lot).

Since i'm already in my old "Macho's Questions" post, i've a lil' doubt.

I made about 12 textures and they all work as intended except for the Surfparam stuff, looked thru all the .shared and .txt file in the pk3 and game folders but so far i found no texture declaration or anything that has to do with sound or particle behaviour in any file.

I require no special parameters, just the surfparams that will give my grass texture, grassy step sound and grassy particles and my stone textures the same and so on, have i missed some dumb hidden param i've to add?. :?
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Re: Macho's questions

Postby TheDoctor » Wed Nov 06, 2013 11:14 pm

MachoBastard wrote:I made about 12 textures and they all work as intended except for the Surfparam stuff.

The SG-customized version of q3map2 recognized surfaceparms by shadername prefixes. For example, if you want a shader "X" sound like grass, rename the shader to "grass_X".
+static prefixInfo_t prefixInfo[] = {
+ { "metal", SURF_METALSTEPS },
+ { "wood", SURF_WOOD },
+ { "cloth", SURF_CLOTH },
+ { "dirt", SURF_DIRT },
+ { "glass", SURF_GLASS},
+ { "plant", SURF_PLANT},
+ { "sand", SURF_SAND},
+ { "snow", SURF_SNOW},
+ { "stone", SURF_STONE},
+ { "water", SURF_WATER},
+ { "grass", SURF_GRASS},

Otherwise you would have to use SURF_ flags and q3map2's -custinfoparms:
//custom surfaceParms file (for 'q3map2 -custinfoparms')
// Turtle Man: Haven't finished writing the material code yet, so these aren't very useful.

//custom CONTENTS_ flags


//custom SURF_ flags
METAL 0x1000
WOOD 0x80000
CLOTH 0x100000
DIRT 0x200000
GLASS 0x400000
PLANT 0x800000
SAND 0x1000000
SNOW 0x2000000
STONE 0x4000000
WATER 0x8000000
GRASS 0x10000000
BREAKABLE 0x20000000

If that doesn't help you, please provide a simple test .map including at least one of your new textures and I'll try to figure it out.
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