You asked for opinions, so here's mine. I like the map overall quite a lot & only have "nit-picky" stuff to commment about. Mmmm, more like observations that you can address or not.
Aesthetic observations:Some misaligned door textures here & there on the ends.
19_shot0025_1.jpg 19_shot0028_1.jpgThis thin slice of stone looks very odd, but maybe too much trouble to alter?
19_shot0032_1.jpgGlow in the dark slats? Is there a light entity there that could be adjusted?
19_shot0026_1.jpgA few models seem to be a bit larger than life at their default sizes.
_modelscale ftw?
19_shot0029_1.jpgSome sort of caulk line, just under my crosshair in this photo.
19_shot0022_1.jpgAlready mentioned to ya on TS about the "end of the world" thing with the opening at the end of the street. (No screenshot.) Really hoping you'll figure out something to alleviate that.
Gameplay annoyances:I can jump/crouch onto this box. Once there, if I look up while jumping up & down, I can see through the ceiling to know if anyone is on the roof. Could use playerclip.
19_shot0031_1.jpgSeems lonely back here. Maybe an extra piece of cover or two might save my bacon one of these days?
19_shot0030_1.jpgDifficult to move between this door (when it's open) & the bed. Looks like it'd be easy to just slide the bed against the closest wall? Or make the bed smaller?
19_shot0027_1.jpgQuite a few of the windows are difficult to get through. Even with a jump/crouch key combo. (No screenshots.)
Nice work Pardner. Your skills have improved!