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Postby ReD NeCKersoN » Wed Oct 05, 2011 3:00 am

Pardner wrote:I have yet to figure out a good way to make tunnel junctions.

Have you tried triangular brushes? Should work well with Sock's method. Make a block & cut it with the clipper tool into a triangle. (Cut again if you need a true pyramid, to alleviate limitations when moving vetices.) Copy & paste to make multiple pieces. Use vertex manipulation to tweak each piece into position as needed. A very poor example can be noticed in the test map over the doorway, but I hope you get the idea.
Far better examples can be found in Sock's POM map, although the geometry can be a bit overwhelming. Don't worry about caulked faces not touching behind the scenes. It's ok to be sloppy if nobody can see it anyway. At least, that's obviously been my approach so far. :lol:
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Postby steve » Wed Oct 05, 2011 11:07 am

I've had similar problems in the past... I solved it with func_group (alpha brushes that are part of a func_group only effect brushes inside that group).

If I remember correctly (it's been a while D: ), func_group should not contribute towards the total entity count.

Also, I think this is an outstanding bug - alpha brushes entirely inside a solid are culled before having an effect.

Sorry if that's confusing... tired... out of coffee.
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Postby Pardner » Thu Oct 06, 2011 2:12 am

@Red, so many posts last night! Woke up this morning and thought I was gonna have to ban another spam bot :D

Here are a few screenshots of what I feel are the "ugly" sections of the map.
Image Image
Image Image
A lot of the uglyness might be from the lighting/phong shading. I may tweak the vertices or angle the light differently.

@steve: I tried having the texture blending in a separate func_group, but other intersecting brushes cause blending anomalies. The only way I found to remove these anomalies is to make the intersecting brushes a func_static. "Most" of the anomalies cannot be seen or are not noticeable, so I am not going to worry about it too much.
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Postby Pardner » Mon Oct 24, 2011 6:51 pm

!NuB!Donut wrote:So i made a little testing map for the lift by using a func_door maybe it helps you to understand what msh tried to say.


So I tried making my lift out of a func_door, but I ran into some trouble. I noted that trigger doors always seem to return. I was hoping that I could have the lift go up and stay up until someone triggered it again. I tried downloading your file, but it was already removed. I made a simple door test map. One door (non-triggered) slides then stays open, the triggered door opens and then closes.
I will keep trying.

Anyway, more screens? Yes please!
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Postby MsH » Mon Oct 24, 2011 7:58 pm

I think toggle option doesnt work on SG
Toggle is spawnflags 32.
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Postby Pardner » Mon Oct 24, 2011 10:31 pm

I didn't think spawnflags 32 was used. I tested it and it didn't help :(
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Postby ReD NeCKersoN » Tue Oct 25, 2011 3:44 am

A less desirable solution might be to put it on a timer, so that it waits to return after a specified amount of time.
Have two lifts. Each starting/returning in opposite locations.

Another thought: Is it possible to make it not return at all? (Uncheck trigger door?) Then perhaps a seperate button to trigger it again from the other end. I haven't tested this, just thinking out loud.
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Postby Pardner » Tue Oct 25, 2011 5:24 pm

ReD NeCKersoN wrote:A less desirable solution might be to put it on a timer, so that it waits to return after a specified amount of time.

I would rather make it a plat so that it stays up as long as there is a player on it. This way, the defenders can gain control of the lift and prevent the robbers from using it.

ReD NeCKersoN wrote:Have two lifts. Each starting/returning in opposite locations.

Not a bad idea, unfortunately I designed the room around a single lift. Its very small for two lifts.

ReD NeCKersoN wrote:Another thought: Is it possible to make it not return at all? (Uncheck trigger door?) Then perhaps a seperate button to trigger it again from the other end. I haven't tested this, just thinking out loud.

I do have two buttons. One at the bottom of the lift and one at the top. This is exactly what I want the lift to do. When I uncheck triggerdoor, the door is not triggered by the buttons, BUT the door does not return until triggered again. When I check triggerdoor, the door is triggered by the buttons, but it returns automatically. :(
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Postby ReD NeCKersoN » Fri Nov 04, 2011 1:26 am

You're in a pinch then. :( Too difficult to enlarge the room?
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Postby Pardner » Mon Nov 14, 2011 4:52 am

So I have been playing around with the func_train and the new rotating ability that Joe coded. I have some mediocre results. The func_train gets stuck when ever it rotates with the player in it. I demonstrate this in the beginning of the video, then go on to give a sneak peek of the rest of the map. The video doesnt show the lighting very well, I was just too lazy so i used Xfire.

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Postby Joe Kari » Wed Nov 16, 2011 1:07 am

Actually, the physics engine would need some upgrade to work properly with this kind of mover... :/
All mover are buggy when they moves against a player, particularly during rotation phase... I was fearing that... :/
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Postby Pardner » Wed Nov 16, 2011 4:40 pm

Trains have always been a little buggy when players are around. If you notice, hardly any of the original Q3 maps use them; even when they did, it was a simple back-and-forth or a up-and-down.

My trains work great as long as they are not rotating with a player on it!!! They look awesome too!! I may leave in and just hope that someday we can make improvements to the trains.
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Postby Joe Kari » Thu Nov 17, 2011 9:21 pm

Yeah, leave them in, someday someone may try his hands on this physics code.

I remember trying to locate the part of the code that compute this without success... Maybe one day I will give it another try...
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Re: *WIP* br_DeathValleyMine

Postby Bart202 » Mon Jun 11, 2012 6:51 pm

Any news here ? :roll:
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Re: *WIP* br_DeathValleyMine

Postby Bart202 » Thu Jun 21, 2012 7:41 pm

Yes, I am talking with you.
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