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Mapping on mac

Postby Jack_Wade » Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:15 pm

I would like to try to make maps for the game, but I have a problem when trying to set macradiant for this purpose. I have it on my computer since a while, I installed a package to map for Ennemy Territory, but now that I want to map for smokin'guns, I can't manage to find out how to do the same for this game. I downloaded the mapping tools, but I don't understand if there is such a package to install, or if the process is totally different. I looked at the tutorials for Pc and Linux but didn't find an answer to it. So I wanted to know if anybody knew how to configurate macradiant to make it able to support sg, knowing that I have it running for an other game (I saw tutorials which advised to install radiant after having downloaded sg, which is not the case here).

Thank you for your help, I hope I will be able to make maps for this great game. :)

PS : Sorry if my english isn't always understandable, it is not my native language, so don't hesitate to tell me if you have problems understanding what I'm trying to say.
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Postby ReD NeCKersoN » Tue Feb 07, 2012 1:39 am

I think you might be the first to try mapping with a mac, so I don't know if anyone here can help you. If you get it working, it would be nice to have a tutorial for the mac setup.
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Postby Jack_Wade » Sat Feb 25, 2012 8:44 pm

Thank you for your answer :)
I have made progress : I moved sg.game where the other games' packs were installed, and macradiant now shows Smokin Guns in the game list when I open it. But when I select it, it shows an error message, which says : "Synpase server initialisation failed : no such file or directory. I opened sg.game with a text editor, and tried to change the paths by looking at how it worked on Ennemy Territory : in enginepath, I put the path to the game; but I don't understand what I must direct gametools to, although I made a few trys. But for now, nothing works. Even if I'm on a mac, does anyone knows how this file should be edited (i.e what paths are supposed to lead to)? I also noticed that an Ennemy territory file contained two files named game.xlink and synapse.config : could it be related to why it is working, considerating I have no such files for SG?
It's a bit frustrating not to be able to map yet in spite of my motivation, but I'm confident I'll manage to make it work, even if it's a bit long. :D When it will be the case, I'll post a quick indication on how to set macradiant, so that it will be easier for other mac players who would want to map (I just hope I'll actually make it work).
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Re: Mapping on mac

Postby Jack_Wade » Sat Mar 10, 2012 7:50 pm

Hi again!
Glad to see the forum is running again, I was a bit surprised when it went down. :)
I have made progress in my attempts to make macradiant work : when I select Smokin'Guns, the editor opens, and aks me to select a project (by the way, what's the difference between User0.proj and default? Can I use any of them?). Once it is done, the main window appears, but I'm told that it "Failed to load textures/radiant/notex. Looks like your installation is broken/ missing some essential elements. errno : no such file or directory."
Notex.tga opens fine when I look at it, so I know the file doesn't have any problem. I also tried to change the extension but it didn't solve anything. Does anybody here have an idea about what could be the problem?
Thanks for your help! :)
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Re: Mapping on mac

Postby Jack_Wade » Sat Mar 24, 2012 3:45 pm

Sorry to up the topic again, but has anyone already encountered the shader.notex error?
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Re: Mapping on mac

Postby Pardner » Sat Mar 24, 2012 5:29 pm

I think shader.notex means that you have a brush that does not have a texture on it. You'll need to hunt down that brush in your editor and put a texture on it. If you know the brush is out of sight, you can do a texture find and replace. The name of the place holder texture that radiant uses is "textures/radiant/notex" and replace it with "textures/common/caulk"
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