Moderators: Joe Kari, Pardner, TheDoctor, Breli
Bart202 wrote:I have just the problem that I can't change the type of the file of .txt to .bat ....
Bart202 wrote:My paths are all in C:// .. but my pc can't find any of them ? weird ? I am nearly ready with my maps .. but I can't release them without playing them of myself before .. I really need help ..
My q3map2toolz say that I need this file I postet .. but it seems noone has this .. I really would help need .. Who has his q3map2toolz installed directly in C://Program Files ?
Bart202 wrote:It's very weird because I copied the mapping programs of Morgan .. and he doesn't have this fault/error ?! I will try it with .bat files .. but wah work with my sg .. something got broken there .. can't load md3 models .. however .
Hope I can rename it
Bart202 wrote:can't find wood.bsp file
cd "C:\Programme\Smokin' Guns"
"smokinguns\compiler\q3map2.exe" -meta -fs_basepath "C:\Programme\Smokin' Guns" "smokinguns\maps\" >metaLog.txt
rem "smokinguns\compiler\q3map2.exe" -vis -fast -v -fs_basepath "C:\Programme\Smokin' Guns" "smokinguns\maps\wood.bsp"
rem "smokinguns\compiler\q3map2.exe" -light -fast -v -fs_basepath "C:\Programme\Smokin' Guns" "smokinguns\maps\wood.bsp"
rem "Radiant-1.4\bspc.exe" -forcesidesvisible -optimize -bsp2aas "smokinguns\maps\wood.bsp"
rem pause
rem smokinguns.exe +sv_pure 0 +devmap wood