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[DM] - 5 Gents Hacienda

Postby MachoBastard » Sun Nov 10, 2013 10:26 am

Hi y'all,this time i bring you:

[5 Gents Hacienda]
Rev. 8


Historic Manure:

The 5 Señores Hacienda (i translated it to 5 Gents Hacienda, not entirely accurate) has more of 4 centuries of history, part of a big miner complex along with it's counterparts Santa Brigida and Triangulo haciendas, located in the Guanajuato state, Mexico, now abandoned it's renowned by its "paranormal activity", it's said that it once harbored more than a million miners many of which had mysterious "deaths".

Actual Google Maps Layout:

(Of course i made some adjustments to the size and layout, to avoid FPS drops!)

Map Details:

-Bot Friendly

-Good for 6+ players

-PK3 Ready (Just copy to "Smokin' Guns/smokinguns/" and you are ready to go!)

-Includes Dev Files (.map/textures/scripts and so, for those who feel like mapping)

-Hi-Res Lightmaps (May cause weird lightning glitches, depends on your hardware based on my tests.)

-2 Modes Included (2 different maps).

-Cash Mode (Only cash spawns in the map, classic SG)
-Weapon Mode (Only weapons spawn in the map, no cash).

Tech Details:

-18+ new textures made by me (Some are from SG slightly modified).
-It took me Aprox. 13 mapping hours/ 4+ research hours/ 2+ design hour
-Compile time 4min Aprox.

Took me quite a lot of time due to experimentation with the Hi-Res lightmaps.
(Worked great on my pc, but there are some glitches depending on your hardware,
if somehow its unplayable for you let me know, ill upload a normally compiled version.

That said, let's shoot some horse butts!.

Download here y'all!
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Re: [DM] - 5 Gents Hacienda

Postby Barto » Sun Nov 10, 2013 1:42 pm

Dude, where do you find time to make this? On my side, I'm actually struggling with midterms now.
To quote BallerBude: "MachoBastard has a bounty on his head. Get him!" ;-)

I cannot wait to find some time to shoot some horses in this map via BallerBude, it looks great! I loved where you hid the big moneybag, it took me some time to realize there was a room there.

I sadly don't have an eye-candy q3config.cfg, so I wasn't able to have a look at your lightmaps, maybe I'll backup my current .smokinguns folder and get a look with a stock config later.

Anyway, it's great that you put the source of the map in the rar file. I don't know how SG dev team is working with maps, but I hope they have a git somewhere where they'd push your map.
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Re: [DM] - 5 Gents Hacienda

Postby TheDoctor » Sun Nov 10, 2013 3:44 pm

Thanks you, Byox, for another big surprise! As of right now, the map is available on Baller Bude and can be voted for by opening the in-game console and typing \callvote map dm_5gent and \callvote map dm_5gent-w (mind the singular of gent, i.e. the missing "s"). After downloading the map, the map is available via UI as "5 Gents Hacienda".

There exists two versions of this map: one with money (dm_5gent) and one with weapons (dm_5gent-w).

As, IMHO, the sources should be included in the actual .pk3 file, I took the liberty to repackage your map as follows:
> unzip -l dm_5gent.pk3
Archive: dm_5gent.pk3
Length Name
--------- ----
0 scripts/
1268 scripts/bx_5gents.shader
2927 scripts/q3map2_dm_5gent-w.shader
2871 scripts/q3map2_dm_5gent.shader
0 textures/
0 textures/bx_tex/
196652 textures/bx_tex/wood_bx-wood002.tga
196652 textures/bx_tex/wood_bx-wood001.tga
786476 textures/bx_tex/wood_bx-boxold002.tga
786476 textures/bx_tex/wood_bx-boxold001.tga
49196 textures/bx_tex/wood_bx-box004.tga
49196 textures/bx_tex/wood_bx-box003.tga
110636 textures/bx_tex/wood_bx-box002.tga
110636 textures/bx_tex/wood_bx-box001.tga
786476 textures/bx_tex/stone_plasterfloor001.tga
786476 textures/bx_tex/stone_plasterbrick001.tga
786476 textures/bx_tex/stone_plaster001.tga
95276 textures/bx_tex/stone_bxstone001.tga
786476 textures/bx_tex/stone_bx-stoneplaster001.tga
786476 textures/bx_tex/stone_bx-5gents001.tga
786476 textures/bx_tex/sand_bx-sand001.tga
796716 textures/bx_tex/plant_bx-dryplant001.tga
786476 textures/bx_tex/grass_bx-5gents001.tga
524332 textures/bx_tex/bx_grassalpha001.tga
0 levelshots/
411099 levelshots/dm_5gent-w.jpg
409068 levelshots/dm_5gent.jpg
0 maps/
993 maps/dm_5gent-w.tex
180 maps/dm_5gent-w.cfg
2698716 maps/dm_5gent-w.bsp
751580 maps/dm_5gent-w.aas
0 maps/dm_5gent-w/
786450 maps/dm_5gent-w/lm_0001.tga
786476 maps/dm_5gent-w/lm_0000.tga
0 maps/dm_5gent/
786450 maps/dm_5gent/lm_0001.tga
786476 maps/dm_5gent/lm_0000.tga
993 maps/dm_5gent.tex
178 maps/dm_5gent.cfg
2760332 maps/dm_5gent.bsp
761292 maps/dm_5gent.aas
512 install-and-details.txt
329 license.txt
1393229 maps/dm_5gent.map
1395534 maps/dm_5gent-w.map
--------- -------
22944529 46 files

The size of the .pk3 file increased merely by 3% percent, but now everybody who plays this map possesses also the license and the sources to possibly modify it - thanks to you, Byox.

Regarding the map itself, it is unique as it combines visual as well structural cover with a huge continuous fighting area. I'll provide more feedback later, as soon I've played this map a few times.
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Re: [DM] - 5 Gents Hacienda

Postby Biondo » Sun Nov 10, 2013 11:57 pm

Great map MachoBastard. Played few times, but loved it from the first time (though I play with r_picmip 9, so I miss all eye candy).
I love the way you are trying to keep alive historical places (of which I didn't even know the name before having met your maps). Thanks for the great work.

BTW, I see you like "Bleeding Cowboy" font :) The same I used in BB site and and in Lame clan one. It's a bit inflated lately, but still a nice choice (or is it a TheDoctor add-on?).
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Re: [DM] - 5 Gents Hacienda

Postby MachoBastard » Mon Nov 11, 2013 3:06 am

Great map MachoBastard. Played few times, but loved it from the first time (though I play with r_picmip 9, so I miss all eye candy).
I love the way you are trying to keep alive historical places (of which I didn't even know the name before having met your maps). Thanks for the great work.

Haha, too bad you are missing the good stuff the whole purpose of the hi-res lightmaps was that precisely, and im not even sure yet if they work like they were supposed to. :?

Some of this historic places i've seen myself, my current location is a state near Mulege Prison (couple hours away), fortunately theres a thousand places like this one in Mexico, so reference and info is something i won't ever lack, haha. :)

BTW, I see you like "Bleeding Cowboy" font :) The same I used in BB site and and in Lame clan one. It's a bit inflated lately, but still a nice choice (or is it a TheDoctor add-on?).

Not really, The doc repacked the maps for distribution issues, with the exception of some textures i copied and modified from the SG pk3, it's all me. (Credits of the original textures go to Red, The Doc, Joe or im not really sure who made em' lol.)

And yeah, i've noticed the over-use of "Bleeding Cowboy" font everywhere (no, really i even saw sea-food propaganda with this font.), im really considering switching it!.

BTW. i was plannin on release Mulege Prison with Cash/Weapon mode too, personally as a fan from Unreal Tournament since it's beginnings i like more the Weapons mode, but i would really like the opinion of the SG community to see if it's worth releasing the two versions from my previous or future maps. 8)
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Re: [DM] - 5 Gents Hacienda

Postby Biondo » Mon Nov 11, 2013 8:08 am

I noticed the existence of the two versions (Cash/Weapons) in Baller Bude, but it was not so clear to me before reading this thread. I was confused when I climbed the ladder of the tower to get a Colt, finding instead some money (couldn't decide it if was caused by a work-in-progress in map customization or if there were actually two towers in the map :) ). Probably 2 versions of the map (or of each map) would be too confusing for the most part of players (not to talk about the doubled work).
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Re: [DM] - 5 Gents Hacienda

Postby Biondo » Mon Nov 11, 2013 8:47 am

There's a minor bug (I think it's called 'Hall of Mirrors') in the Weapon version of Baller Bude:


It's beyond the door depicted here:


Moreover, yesterday in the tower I saw a bot with the head at the second floor and the rest of his body hanging in the first floor :) I could not stand the sight of its suffering, so I shot it!
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Re: [DM] - 5 Gents Hacienda

Postby MachoBastard » Mon Nov 11, 2013 9:39 am

I noticed the existence of the two versions (Cash/Weapons) in Baller Bude, but it was not so clear to me before reading this thread. I was confused when I climbed the ladder of the tower to get a Colt, finding instead some money (couldn't decide it if was caused by a work-in-progress in map customization or if there were actually two towers in the map :) ). Probably 2 versions of the map (or of each map) would be too confusing for the most part of players (not to talk about the doubled work).

True, thats why i added the details on the description of each, i don't think the players should be confused for more than a couple seconds, but it's true in a way, thanks for your input. 8)

There's a minor bug (I think it's called 'Hall of Mirrors') in the Weapon version of Baller Bude:

Yup, it's only present on the Weapons Mode, i manage to replicate and fix, as far as i know its caused by bad-portal visibility, which i found very weird since they are identical versions with just some entities replaced (Weapons for Cash),also i'll be lookin into the sleepy hollow bot and try to fix, an updated revision will be uploaded soon :)
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Re: [DM] - 5 Gents Hacienda

Postby JippiJaYeah » Mon Nov 11, 2013 12:58 pm


Are you not depressed from picmip 9, it looks like an insane asylum! 8D


Fantastic map! :twisted:
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Re: [DM] - 5 Gents Hacienda

Postby MsH » Mon Nov 11, 2013 7:39 pm

Woah, I don't have played enough previvous map and you put the new one into forums..

I would like to see what you can do in bank robbery mode too?
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Re: [DM] - 5 Gents Hacienda

Postby MachoBastard » Mon Nov 11, 2013 11:54 pm

Are you not depressed from picmip 9, it looks like an insane asylum!

haha, i can't say i like it, im more curious about what motivate Bionodo to play like that lol.

Woah, I don't have played enough previvous map and you put the new one into forums..

Most of my previous maps died, personally i don't think you missed much.
but im thinkin about remaking them with better details and more FPS friendly. :)

I would like to see what you can do in bank robbery mode too?

Other than DM i have only mapped for "Capture The Flag" of a game i can't recall, if anyone into mapping would tell me the difference between DM and BR in entities or requirements on a map (for what i can tell it only requires team spawn entities contrary to spawn deathmatch, what else?), i could be releasing a test map soon. 8)
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Re: [DM] - 5 Gents Hacienda

Postby Biondo » Tue Nov 12, 2013 12:07 am

MachoBastard wrote:haha, i can't say i like it, im more curious about what motivate Bionodo to play like that lol.

Well, it started because I didn't like SG "old time" graphics, at first. They looked like ... hmm, ugly! So I found picmip 9, that is really fun, believe me, it's like playing in a cartoon (I also made a stupid video --my first stupid video-- to document my fall in love with picmip 9). It was an aesthetic choice in the first place.
Now, I can say that, for the kind of monitor I have (one of the last wonderful CRT around), and for my monitor size and resolution, picmip 9 is definitely a must. I can't see an elephant in the standard picmip 1.
Am I the only one to kiss picmip 9?
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Re: [DM] - 5 Gents Hacienda

Postby MsH » Tue Nov 12, 2013 4:15 pm

MachoBastard wrote:Other than DM i have only mapped for "Capture The Flag" of a game i can't recall, if anyone into mapping would tell me the difference between DM and BR in entities or requirements on a map (for what i can tell it only requires team spawn entities contrary to spawn deathmatch, what else?)

I can't remember and I don't have editor anymore, but I remember that there were br_sample map included in sg mapping tools file.

[BTW the link/file in mapping tutorials seems to be broken ?]

Some gameplayrequirements would be 2 banks to rob, in difference places so one person can't guard both at same time and also there would be many routes to the bank. Take look at durango, mexico and tijuana, they are most played maps in jeuxlinux 1.1
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