With cordite in the air, splintered steel, shell casings and powder burns, there’s only one explanation...
For all you mappers out there!

Moderators: Joe Kari, Pardner, TheDoctor, Breli

Mappers, please use wiki !

Postby Tequila » Wed Nov 27, 2013 6:10 pm

Hi folks,

sharing stuffs for mapper is sometime a pain. This forum is a cool way, but I would like to remember mappers (but not only) we have a wiki you can just use to show and share your work. You can even put your files there. I even raised the attachement limit to 20Mb.

As MachoBastard worked few time ago on a map named WhiteSand Hideout, I just use it as an example of what this can look like. Just check the wiki page there: MachoBastard/WhiteSandHideout page in the wiki
I also uploaded myself the map revision 12 he published.

MachoBastard, this page is now yours (or not). In fact, any well-known registered user can create or edit any page in the wiki. Remember, this is just a wiki and this is not a place to discuss so any related discussion should come here. But as a wiki, anyone can collaborate and eventually publish stuffs for others (like I did for WhiteSand Hideout map).

The only constraint to create a page will be to use SmokinGuns/ as wiki base so the page will automatically appear on the first page. You may also want to list any new map page there: /wiki/SmokinGuns/LevelEditing, but this is not mandatory. I would only ask you to create a related forum thread at the same time you create a page and to point each other.

The main purpose of the wiki is for mostly static informations. People can even use ticket system.

For anyone really interested and deserving, I can also propose more tools.
Btw any suggestion is welcome !

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Try first to create your wiki sandbox

Postby Tequila » Tue Dec 10, 2013 12:52 am

As MachoBastard told about that, you may need few help to start using the wiki. Here is a short list to start:

First of all, start to create your "SandBox" wiki page. A sandbox page where you can do and test the tool. Here you can essentially test the wiki syntax, but also file upload. As an example, here is the way to create your SandBox: point to http://trac.smokin-guns.org/wiki/SandBox/YourUserName or http://wiki.smokin-guns.org/wiki/SandBox/YourUserName where you replace "YourUserName" by your user name :)
Example: /wiki/SandBox/Tequila or /wiki/SandBox/Tequila
At the first time, you'll see a message telling the page doesn't exist. Well, this is because you're accessing the anonymously... so clic on "Connexion" on the upper right and log into the wiki using your forum credential. (Yes, I need to check if we can keep authentication between Trac and the forum). Then going back to your SandBox page link, this time you'll be able to clic on a "Create this page" button ! So do it and copy there the following text in the textarea field:
Code: Select all
= `YourUserName` SandBox =

== This is my first chapter ==
Hello world!


Tequila makes me dream, every body knows that [[Image(http://forum.smokin-guns.org/images/smilies/wink.gif)]]

And don't forget to "submit the changes".
After this first change, you'll be able to edit again the page creating a new version. I'll take the liberty to remove old SandBox after I while if there are too much sandboxes. So feel free to just try.

Ask here in any doubt !! Just ask here if you want to do something and you don't find the way to do !!

Remember wiki is a collaborative tool, page modifications create versions, so it should always be possible to get back later.

Tips: You can edit an existing page and copy/paste the content code as a template. For example, MachoBastard could want to take the code from /wiki/SmokinGuns/MachoBastard/WhiteSandHideout to manage his new maps with the same looking ;)

Good to know: To create a new page, being logged, just point to a link beginning with /wiki like in:
or http://wiki.smokin-guns.org/wiki/You_Can_Create_Here_A_New_Page
I'll just ask you to put Smokin'Guns related pages under /wiki/SmokinGuns as a good start point si they will automatically appear in the index.
Last edited by Tequila on Mon Dec 23, 2013 5:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Changed SandBox template URL

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