With cordite in the air, splintered steel, shell casings and powder burns, there’s only one explanation...
Let's face it, SG could sure use some talented modellers.

Moderator: Joe Kari

Which knife model do you prefer?

Total votes : 50

Vote here for the knife model

Postby Pardner » Sat Nov 14, 2009 2:54 am

In response to the troubles with the poll in the news section, here is the poll for the knife model:

Knife Model
If you remember a while back, vIiRuS made a new knife model. As part of the SG1.1b2 testing, we are asking you to participate in a poll on which model you prefer. We are considering using the new knife model in the next release, but we would like to see which is more popular. Here are the two models up for election:

[thumb=http://forum.smokin-guns.org/userpix/357_shot0000_2.jpg][timg]357_shot0000_2.jpg[/timg][/thumb] [thumb=http://forum.smokin-guns.org/userpix/357_Bowie_Knife_1.jpg][timg]357_Bowie_Knife_1.jpg[/timg][/thumb]

[thumb=http://forum.smokin-guns.org/userpix/357_22127338_1.jpg][timg]357_22127338_1.jpg[/timg][/thumb] [thumb=http://forum.smokin-guns.org/userpix/357_knife_v_1.jpg][timg]357_knife_v_1.jpg[/timg][/thumb]
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Postby dirkcutler » Mon Jan 18, 2010 7:34 pm

Nice results of knife model! If you asked me if which knife model i preferred of course i choose the original one.
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Postby vIiRuS » Wed Jan 27, 2010 3:40 pm


Just wanted to check how things are going on here and now I see that my Old Knife model maybe is getting official.... thats awesome :D

As already asked in the other thread... the Licence of the Model is "dreatice commonds-by-sa". As eatme made the texture I cant tell under what licence hes exactly going to put it... but im sure hes not going to have a problem when its in SG ;) (im going to contact him these days)

Unfortinately I cant provide the source blender files anymore... so the md3 is everything there :/
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