Most, if not all of you, will not know who I am so I'll keep the intro short.
I basically model and animate and have odne so for a fewprojects (many of which have failed/died) so I thought I'd give you guys a hand modeling and animation wise.
My goal is to replace every weapon with a brand new model, skin, and animation. Hopefully it all goes as planned

Anyways, I'll get right to the main attraction. The Remington '58.

Its relatively low-poly (~850 quads = ~1700 tris) and although it does look 'blocky' in that render, it isn't. Just I prefer rendering 'blocky' (or solid as Blender calls it) rather than smoothed because it screws with the normals.
So any crits or comments are moe than welcomed. If you see inaccuracies please inform me because I'm not the greatest with these older weaponry (mostly do modern stuff).