- head.hit
- holster.tga
- holster_l.MD3
- holster_r.MD3
- lower.hit
- upper.hit

These are included in sg_pak0.pk3. Due to the names of your pk3s, your files are being over written by the sg_pak0 files anyway.
Glad to see them up on Moddb
Moderator: Joe Kari
When you get confortable with your modelling and animating skills, and if you have the time, you could start thinking about making new weapons for SG (maybe indian weapons), that would be cool
Or if you feel like making new skins, maybe you could work on a fat guy skin, would look really nice and funny haha
As suggestions for futere versions, would be nice if each class had some advantages and weaknesses, so each playe could choose the class that adapts better to his/her style... for example, the indians could run more, the guys have more armor, the girls reload faster.... is this too hard to programm? (I have no idea lol)
I would like such a talking system too but the this would be surely used for spamming. I use for myselve binds to do this. It would be cool if these woulde be with voice like in Battlefield2.Another great thing would be a talking system like the one in Counter Strike, when you hit a button and you have several lines such as "yes", "no", "follow me".... How hard would it be to do that, anyone knows?
I really liked u work donnut, but in my opnion the the feather must be bigger to be more like and indian! what u guys think about?
!NuB!Donut wrote: And i think this need some tests if you can gett still go through a door or a window when the head is so big.
The .bot files need to be placed in scripts/sg_bots/, not in scripts/wq3bots/
Why don't you zip both sets of bot files together into one single package? That way it will work for both 1.0 players and 1.1 players.
I also get the "not defined" error when I try to add them to the game. They appear in the player selection page, but I can't pick them.
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