Fine, think I look nice with a bow 
[thumb=][timg]1560_tequilawithbow_1.jpg[/timg][/thumb]Btw there will be some hard work to get it completely working in SG.
Firstly we need a picture for the hud. In the buy menu I think to rename the "machineguns" entry into "specials" and add it there. So can you produce a picture with the same size as hud/weapons/gatling.tga and put it in hud/weapons/bow.tga.
Secondly, we need a price and ammo amount. For now I set them up to 24 and 10. But this is really not important for now.
Also, even if you should put the arrow in the shot animation. You should stop the animation at the moment the arrow is leaving the bow. Then we really need an arrow item which will have its own life after that
So can you extract the model for the arrow, and of course we will need a picture for the hud too but this time to be put in the "misc" menu as "ammo_arrow".
I still have to check if animation setup is correct.
On my point of view, the way to use the bow would be to push "fire" to bend it, then keeping the "fire" pressed we keep the bow bended and releasing the key will shoot the arrow. This is just an idea. We may also prefer push "fire" to bend, and Fire again to shoot.