With cordite in the air, splintered steel, shell casings and powder burns, there’s only one explanation...
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Moderator: Joe Kari

Standard model of a bank safe

Postby TheDoctor » Fri Oct 12, 2012 6:32 pm


short summary: I need your help. To implement the idea of Bank Robbery on Deathmatch maps, I require an .MD3 model of a standard bank safe.

explanation: If you know Baller Bude, you may be used to play Deathmatch (aka free for all) on br_* maps. Likewise, I'm in the process of implementing Bank Robbery on dm_* maps. To this end, I require an .MD3 model of a bank safe. With this model, I'm able to place a safe into dm_* maps without changing the (compiled) map file.

Best regards,

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Smokin' Amigo!
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Re: Standard model of a bank safe

Postby TheDoctor » Sat Nov 10, 2012 4:25 am

I made a simple model myself. Check it out in dm_dry on Baller Bude. If someone still wants to design a prettier safe, go ahead.

BTW, I've learned to place (animated) models inside maps without recompiling them. If anyone wants to have their .MD3 or .MD4 models included into a map, contact me.
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Smokin' Amigo!
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