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Postby Undertaker » Fri Oct 16, 2009 9:21 pm

Ok, tried a few more ways to attempt to change the textures, and none of them have worked. No matter what I replace or change or whatever etc... they remain defaulted so it's going to be hard for me to test the textures. In the pak0.pk3, I remade a good portion of them but once again, I couldn't say how they look because I can't get them to show. Any suggestions\method of replacement? Perhaps something different for creating the pak files? I am using Winrar for extracting\replacing the files, Dragon Unpacker "for thumbnail viewing pak files, Pak explorer "which I've found useless". I also tried the method of zUnderatker.pk3 but it's not being recognized as a pk3 in SG, even though others listed above do.

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Postby dbozan99 » Fri Oct 16, 2009 9:42 pm

make sure you type

Code: Select all
/sv_pure 0

before you load up a map so it reads everything instead of just the default stuff..

or, alternatively you could put that in your q3config or just your startup shortcut....

for example, right click on your SG shortcut, click properties, and in the "target" box put in:

Code: Select all
"C:\Program Files\Smokin' Guns\smokinguns.exe" +seta sv_pure 0
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Postby moRtem » Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:45 am

dbozan99 wrote:make sure you type

Code: Select all
/sv_pure 0

before you load up a map so it reads everything instead of just the default stuff..

that's nonsense (and therefor not necessary)

I also tried the method of zUnderatker.pk3 but it's not being recognized as a pk3 in SG, even though others listed above do.

would you mind to uploadt he file, so 'we' can test and find out what's wrong?

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Postby /dev/random » Sat Oct 17, 2009 11:18 am

pk3 files are simply zip files with another extension. They can be compressed, if you want to.

To replace files in other pk3s, don't! edit the pk3. Instead, ceate a new pk3 with your replacement files in it and put it in your Smokin' Guns folder. If it is part of a mod, put it into the mod's folder, otherwise put it inside smokinguns/.
Make sure its filename is after the pk3 which you want to replace, e.g. name your new pk3 zzzzzzUndertaker.pk3 ;)

Finally, the new pk3 will only be used locally, on unpure servers or on servers which have the pk3 as well.

If that still does not work, show us the console's output when starting or even upload the pk3, like mortem suggested.

Now about sv_pure. This controls whether a server will only allow players to connect, which have exactly the same pk3s as the server uses. They still might have additional pk3s, but they won't get loaded if connected to a pure server.
If running unpure, the engine will also use files which are not inside pk3s, which allows for quick testing.
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Postby Joe Kari » Sat Oct 17, 2009 3:03 pm

Code: Select all
/sv_pure 0
that's nonsense (and therefor not necessary)

No, like /dev/random said, this is necessary in order to read files that are not in a pk3.
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Postby Pardner » Sat Oct 17, 2009 3:52 pm

Like Joe, /dev/random, and dbozan99 said,

/sv_pure allows files that are not in pk3. Mappers use this a lot when level editing because it is a pain to package the map in a pk3 every time you do a compile.

The problem with sv_pure is that it loads the open directories first, then it loads the pk3s. So, if you are working on replacing /textures/sfx/fire.tga and you have it in your open directory, the game will load your new texture first, then load the one in the pk3, thus you don't see a change in game.

If you are making complete new textures (not replacing old ones) then sv_pure is all you need to do. BUT because you are replacing existing textures, you will need to create a new pk3 file and name it so that it gets loaded last (z_undertaker.pk3).
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Postby Undertaker » Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:10 am

Thanks for the tips. I am just stating that I haven't forgotten or left this be, just been extremely busy lately but yes, I am remaking textures completely which isn't too hard, just in the pk3 there are a lot of textures so may take a bit. I plan on trying tonight to get some to load in game so I can work on them.
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Postby Pardner » Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:17 am

Undertaker, there are only a few textures that are still used in game. Most of the suff in baseq3/pak0.pk3 is overwritten in our own pak files. I am working on getting a list of textures that are used and need to be recreated.
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Postby Undertaker » Wed Oct 21, 2009 4:36 am

Pardner wrote:Undertaker, there are only a few textures that are still used in game. Most of the suff in baseq3/pak0.pk3 is overwritten in our own pak files. I am working on getting a list of textures that are used and need to be recreated.

Ok, thanks, I'll wait until you do then. Got behind anyway since my little girl ended up splitting her head open on a chair the other night and needed stitches :|
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Postby Pardner » Wed Oct 21, 2009 4:55 am

Undertaker wrote:Ok, thanks, I'll wait until you do then. Got behind anyway since my little girl ended up splitting her head open on a chair the other night and needed stitches :|

Errr... sorry to hear that, hope she's okay!

Unfortunitely, finding out what textures in the baseq3 is proving to be time consuming. Basically, rename pak0.pk3 to pak0.zip, then load each map in game and watch for errors in the console. Even this may not be correct! For instance, dm_train uses the /textures/sfx/fire, but this does not need to be recreated because there is already one in our package... BUT it does need to be recreated because we simply copied the texture from Q3's baseq3 to smokinguns!!!! As you can see it is kinda confusing :oops: and needs some serious attention.
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Postby ReD NeCKersoN » Wed Oct 21, 2009 6:01 am

Pardner wrote:For instance, dm_train uses the /textures/sfx/fire, but this does not need to be recreated because there is already one in our package.

You can see the same fire in Backwater I think.
If an alternate flame texture set exists in our package (and it does... see sg_textures0.pk3/textures/sg_sfx) then the maps that use such baseq3 textures should be modified to use the replacements that we already have outside of the baseq3 folder. Once all data within the baseq3 folder is replaced (or deemed irrelevant) & relocated, we can eliminate the baseq3 folder altogether afaik.
Pardner wrote:BUT it does need to be recreated because we simply copied the texture from Q3's baseq3 to smokinguns!!!!

As discussed on IRC tonight, long after you made this post :P , I don't believe that statement is correct. Taken from the pak0.README located in sg_pak0.pk3:
Code: Select all
Modified "free" files:
- Based upon Morguefile (http://www.morguefile.com)
   textures/sfx/flame1.tga                                  (fire1.jpg,  44214)
   textures/sfx/flame2.tga                                  (fire1.jpg,  44214)
   textures/sfx/flame3.tga                                  (fire1.jpg,  44214)
   textures/sfx/flame4.tga                                  (fire1.jpg,  44214)
   textures/sfx/flame5.tga                                  (fire2.jpg,  43939)
   textures/sfx/flame6.tga                                  (fire2.jpg,  43939)
   textures/sfx/flame7.tga                                  (fire2.jpg,  43939)
   textures/sfx/flame8.tga                                  (fire2.jpg,  43939)
   textures/sfx/flameball.tga                               (fire2.jpg,  43939)

Technically, we could keep using those free flame textures... but I don't see the point when we already have our own custom made files. One less crutch ya know.

Undertaker, Pardner is right in suggesting you wait untill we figure out what really needs replacing or not. Thanks for your help & patience. 8)
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Postby L3th4l » Wed Oct 21, 2009 7:31 am

I made the fire for train so I don't know why it would be using anything else :?:

If I remember correctly, I also redid a lot if not all the textures used in baseq3. In the private FTP there should be a folder named "replacement_textures" and a file named "l3th4l_sa_replace_textures.zip"

By the way the new private and download FTP's should be set by this Saturday. We had a few annoying issues to work out.
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Postby Pardner » Wed Oct 21, 2009 1:16 pm

ReD NeCKersoN wrote:
Code: Select all
Modified "free" files:
- Based upon Morguefile (http://www.morguefile.com)
   textures/sfx/flame1.tga                                  (fire1.jpg,  44214)
   textures/sfx/flame2.tga                                  (fire1.jpg,  44214)
   textures/sfx/flame3.tga                                  (fire1.jpg,  44214)
   textures/sfx/flame4.tga                                  (fire1.jpg,  44214)
   textures/sfx/flame5.tga                                  (fire2.jpg,  43939)
   textures/sfx/flame6.tga                                  (fire2.jpg,  43939)
   textures/sfx/flame7.tga                                  (fire2.jpg,  43939)
   textures/sfx/flame8.tga                                  (fire2.jpg,  43939)
   textures/sfx/flameball.tga                               (fire2.jpg,  43939)

Thats what the pak0.README says in the baseq3 as well. But I swear the one we have in our sg_sfx looks just like ID's!!

L3th4l wrote:I made the fire for train so I don't know why it would be using anything else

Good news. I would like to think that is the one in baseq3/sfx (the fact that both train maps use it gave it away).

Looks like we got some sorting out to do!
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