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Secret Areas

Postby Sardonicus » Tue Nov 15, 2011 6:53 am

I have noticed that most maps have secret areas and I was wondering if there was any sort of secrets guide around? I thought I had found most of them until just yesterday when I saw someone standing on the roof of the hotel in 'No Name City' I have since been trying to get up there but without any luck.
Does anyone know about this? Does it have something to do with the "occupied" room in the hotel? Anyone?

BTW I recently started playing again after about a year away and am having a blast, pleased to see the servers seem so active.

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Postby Biondo » Tue Nov 15, 2011 8:04 am

Sardonicus it was me :), but this happened in SpecialBude, where you can climb every vertical surface by jumping near it. In this case you have to climb the secondary door, when it's opened.
For what I know, in other servers you can only get there with the help of a Gatling.
Look around in this forum, or in YouTube and you'll find many videos documenting original tricks to reach impossible places.
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Postby Sardonicus » Tue Nov 15, 2011 10:11 am

Hey thanks for the reply and for the info Biondo, yes it was you, I recognize your in game name. I just tried your method and it works perefectly thks.
You also said that... "in other servers you can only get up there with the help of a Gatling"... If you don't mind could you explain that? How does a Gatling help?

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Postby Biondo » Tue Nov 15, 2011 12:54 pm

Well, I remember I've seen something long time ago, but I don't know if there is a video about that. If I remember well, you have to place a Gatling over the open door and use it as a help to climb. But it's possible I've dreamed of it... :)
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Postby Pardner » Tue Nov 15, 2011 4:20 pm

You can set up a gatling gun near a low hanging ledge, jump on the gatling gun, then up on the ledge. This works for the hotel and the saloon in NNC, the train engine in train, and a bunch of other places. If you are playing in team mode, this can also be accomplished with the help of team members.
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