TheDoctor wrote:Does the Daemon game engine use the same tools such as GTKRadiant?
We use
NetRadiant, the one by Xonotic, wich is a weak spot too!
Well, NetRadiant code is ugly but GtkRadiant code is worst, and NetRadiant usage looks better to me (GtkRadiant 1.6 is based on an older branch than NetRadiant).
We added to NetRadiant the DPK format support, a PK3 derivative that supports dependencies, this way both the engine and the editor only loads what is required (not the map compiler yet thoug), it means in NetRadiant you only see the texture packs you rely on.
I also patched q3map2 to support out-of-tree build. So it's now possible to follow both “out-of-tree build” and “eating-your-own-dog-food” best practices while mapping.
Also, PK3DIR/DPKDIR support was added to NetRadiant (using a directory with .dpkdir ext instead of .dpk file) in both engine and editor ensures you don't forget any files while packaging: your map is in map-name_version.dpdir and everything you need are in (or are shipped in packages you declared) and you won't seen other things in radiant (they will be displayed as missing even if they exists). See how
UnvanquishedAssets repository is made to have an idea of how it works.
I also added a (very basic) pakpath support to NetRadiant, so mappers would not have to store their work in progress in ~/.smokinguns/smokinguns, but in a clean repository of their own at the place they want, even multiple of them, like one directory for official SmokinGuns dpkdir to build against, and one directory with their own custom dpkdir.
(Unlike GtkRadiant until I implemented something similar too), NetRadiant is able to load multiple shaderlist.txt : the one from the dpkdir your map live in and the ones from the dpkdir it depends on. It means you only have to edit it when you create texture sets for your own map, not when you reuse some other maps. And it means you can work on too map at the same time without having to rewriting it by hand while switching between them.
So, it's still radiant, but with improved usability in both the tool and the way to work with.
In my opinion, the weak spot of games like SG are the aging tools for content creation. Creating a map is more difficult and much more time-consuming than it should be, not too mention the task of creating models with animations.
NetRadiant is still radiant (I work on trying to make it more usable), for models Dæmon supports IQM models which are bone-based models with various tools and plugins out there. So people can use their beloved Blender or something else and export them. MD5models are supported too but IQM is recommended and after all MD5model to IQM conversion is straightforward: if your tool has MD5model support or a plugin to (which is likely to be possible since it was Doom3's format), you know you can make a model for Dæmon, either in MD5model format directly or in IQM after conversion.
What needs to be done to compile a given .map to Daemon?
The good, bad, and specially ugly q3map2, the one from NetRadiant's tree. The q3map2 from GtkRadiant is lacking too much feature, don't use it to target Dæmon. I added a very basic Dæmon support to GtkRadiant (dpkdir without deps support, for example) people have a fallback tool, but q3map2 must be the one from NetRadiant tree in any case.
Note that Viech from Unvanquished wrote a graphical tool named
Chameleon to retexture maps (source required) with high-resolution alternatives without breaking the scaling.
You probably are aware of
Wild West, which attempted to port
br_elpaso to the ET engine. Were you able to re-use some of their work?
Yes, someone told me on that forum before, perhaps you.
And I'm also aware of the Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory's
Western contrib map by Sage.
Since Dæmon has lineage from both ioquake3 and ET:XreaL those maps loads without recompilation. The only work to do is to somewhat reorganize the files the dpk way, and add the required entities into the entity lump to make it playable with Smokin’ Guns gameplay. The entity lump still being a text format inside and there is tools to extract and remerge it, including my
Esquirel tool which I used to successfully port some UrbanTerror contrib maps to Unvanquished, and for that I had to edit the entities, rewrite some surfaceparms, and do a very basic texture fix. See my
InterstellarOasis project.
Note that I got Western map source by Sage and already got permission to rebuild it for Smokin Guns (it can be good to ask for an explicit CC By SA 4.0 though) but the big issue in it is that it relies on some Wolf:ET textures and prefabs (so, a rebuild would lack some geometry).
So the Dæmon engine would make the port of those foreign things easier, especially when source is missing. Oups! I just written a wall of text.