Moderator: Pardner
xgregx wrote:FYI - I was working on supporting SmokinGuns in my game control panel.
Shameless plug:
I love the game and wanted to get it working with my tool.
xgregx wrote:The reason why I'm setting all the options on the command line is because Open Game Panel is organized in such a way that expects those values to be configured.
It assumes that it's managing a game server hosting many different game types, with multiple ports and IPs.
Redwing wrote:Hey guys, you may not remember me, but I'm back. After quite a few months of being Smokin' Guns-less due to Windows 7 not supporting my hardware for OpenGL, I finally have decided to jump on the Ubuntu bandwagon and give it a go. And of course, the first thing I want to do is get back into Smokin' Guns!
Unfortunately, I'm confused by even the most basic tasks. For instance, which is my "Home Directory", the one named after my username? Secondly, the "chmod" command did not find the file, but I did it using rightclick-> properties instead. When I double-click the .x86 file, nothing happens. When I try the .exe file, it tries to open it with the archive manager (I take it Linux doesn't like .exe?). Any help would be appreciated; I'd love to jump back into the community!
May I say it's generally false. This is true if you add "." in your PATH env variable. From the console, you should always start "./smokinguns.x86" or "./smokinguns.x86_64" if you're in your SG installation folder./dev/random wrote:Also note that almost every command you use in the console will only look in the current folder, if you don't use absolute paths.
Redwing wrote:I downloaded the version that said ".zip for Linux and Windows". Unzipped it into my home folder. I did a cd to the directory, but what exactly is the command for run? It says 'run' is not a recognised command.
Also, how can I ensure that I have OpenGL and OpenAL? I'm running the latest Ubuntu stable release (jaunty) in 32 bit, does it come with all the drivers?