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The location of Smokin' Guns folders

Postby TheDoctor » Thu Nov 29, 2012 11:03 pm

This post is about the locations of Smokin' Guns on your computer. Sometimes, it is helpful to know in which folders the Smokin'Guns executables, data and configuration files reside in. We distinguish two main locations, each containing several sub-folders:

  1. the Smokin' Guns program folder. This is a one-per-computer folder, where the main parts of Smokin'Guns resides: the Smokin'Guns game executable and the main content file sg_pak0.pk3, which actually is a renamed .zip file. The location depends on the operating system and the used installation method.

    • OS Independent archive Smokin_Guns_1.1.zip: If you use the OS Independent archive, you decide the location of the Smokin' Guns program folder. On Windows, I suggest to use C:\Games\SmokinGuns. On Linux, I suggest to use /usr/local/games/smokinguns/.
    • Windows installer Smokin_Guns_1.1.exe: If you use the Windows installer, the files are probably copied to %PROGRAMFILES%\Smokin' Guns, whereby %PROGRAMFILES% is an expression Windows will translate depending on version and language, usually as C:\Program Files.

      The install routine does likely create a shortcut in your start menu, which you can use to locate your Smokin'Guns executable and your Smokin'Guns program folder. Simply right-click on your Smokin'Guns shortcut and select properties. If you are still unsure where the Smokin'Guns program folder is, let your computer search your harddrive C: for the file sg_pak0.pk3.
  2. the Smokin'Guns user folder. This is a one-per-user folder, which Smokin'Guns uses to save all those files you create while playing Smokin' Guns: additional .pk3 files you allow to be downloaded, screenshots you take, demos you record and your preferences. Your personal Smokin'Guns settings are saved into a text file called q3config.cfg. The location depends again on your operating system:

    • Linux: The user folder is ~/.smokinguns/smokinguns/, where ~/ is translated to the user's /home/folder.
    • Mac: The user folder is ~/Library/Application Support/SmokinGuns/smokinguns/, again where ~/ is translated to the user's folder.
    • Windows: The user folder is %APPDATA%\Smokin' Guns\smokinguns. Under Windows XP it expands to \Documents and settings\username\Application data\Smokin' Guns\smokinguns\, under Windows Vista or Windows 7, it expands to \Users\username\Appdata\Roaming\Smokin' Guns\smokinguns\
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Re: The location of Smokin' Guns folders

Postby janko » Mon Jun 16, 2014 5:44 pm

Posts: 78
Joined: Mon Jul 15, 2013 4:39 pm

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