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Moderator: DeUgli

Sounds from the dollars trilogy

Postby Cuchillo » Tue Jul 18, 2017 2:53 pm

I was developing a mod with the original sounds used in the old western films, but I encountered two problems.
1) I don't think the copyright allow this
2) The mod file (.pk3) is loaded only in single-player mode
I'm sorry because the result was really cute, do you have any suggestions? I attach a video to show you how it was on my PC (sorry for bad quality): https://vimeo.com/225989688
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Re: Sounds from the dollars trilogy

Postby torhu » Sat Jul 22, 2017 2:59 pm

I don't know about the copyright, but the client won't load custom files when connected to a pure (sv_pure = 1) server that doesn't have the same files. You would have to run your own server.
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Re: Sounds from the dollars trilogy

Postby TheDoctor » Sun Jul 23, 2017 9:04 pm

I could see giving it a try on BB, if you revise it and make it available. Right now, for instance, the Colt Lightning sound is too repetitive). You should also document, which sound came from which movie (movie title, minute mark).
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