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New requests

Postby eggy » Sun Oct 26, 2008 10:26 pm

Hi all,

I have some requests:

-the server admin can choose the damage of the weapons and how much they cost.
-new gun: Special Colt=> a normal like Colt Peacemaker but you can add a longer loop and add scoop and adding wooden piece (last piece of a rifle)
So you buy the Special Colt then you can buy wooden piece(don't know the real name of that piece)=[less backfire](like in the movie:For A Few Dollars More; Colonel Douglas Mortimer)(or see this http://patentpending.blogs.com/photos/u ... _rifle.jpg , http://www.circlekb.com/merchant2/graph ... ck-2lg.jpg ), buy the long-loop and the scoop sow this gun must be expensive to buy. and the other things are items like scoop of the sharp rifle. (and add a new menu like PISTOLS RIFLES SHOTGUNS MACHINEGUN SPECIALGUN MISC ... and under MISC the LOOP,(wooden piece=>real name for that),SCOOP, ...)
-new buttons for to add the loop and wooden piece (the scoop button is already ingame)
-new button for manual hammer(the server admin can set this off or on, so if its on you must hammer your weapons manually its more realistic(and more difficult = more fun) and after each shot you must use the button (its works like reload button but is for the hammer of the gun) and if set off; its the normal gameplay like now
-more WiFi support (huge lag if you use more bots and users are wireless connected)
-more mouse button support: up to 9 buttons (for logitech G5 mouse)

thanks for reading this;
and thanks for the game!
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Re: New requests

Postby Murphy » Sun Oct 26, 2008 10:54 pm

eggy wrote:-the server admin can choose the damage of the weapons and how much they cost.

In my opinion, if they are really serious about that they can always mod the game. If they are not serious but they just want to mess around they shouldn't be allowed to do it as not to ruin the game for others. IF this should ever find its way into the game, servers modified in such a way should be specifically marked somehow. An icon, maybe.

eggy wrote:-new gun: [...] adding wooden piece [...](like in the movie:For A Few Dollars More; Colonel Douglas Mortimer)

Great idea. A shoulder stock could be available for the remington and it would boost its stats to something like the colt lightning but with less range and of course only six rounds.
We don't even need a special colt for that though more gun variety wouldn't hurt.

eggy wrote:-new buttons for to add the loop and wooden piece (the scoop button is already ingame)

Why not just use the attach-scope and change it attach-asset or something. A wooden stock and a scope would be over-kill and it would look too gimmicky and as long as only one of them is ever possible for a gun one button is enough.

eggy wrote:-new button for manual hammer

A button to cock guns would be fun if for nothing else but messing around or role-playing. :) Not really needed though.
Fanning the hammer is already in the game. You can do that by right-clicking while holding a single revolver.

Or do you mean a seperate button for pumping the expensive shotgun or ejecting the used brass from a winchester? I can see this having use in a game where that action slows the character down so you want to decide when and when not to do it. For example you squeeze off a shot but you don't want to pump until you are back in cover. Or in a game with scoped bolt-action rifles where you don't want to take eye off the scope before you have confirmed the kill so you only want to bolt later.
In Smoking Guns (if it's still like in Western Quake 3) bolting/pumping/ejecting/what-not doesn't slow you down so you have no advantage of waiting with it. The only scoped rifle has to be reloaded manually after each shot anyway so that's solved too.
Other than for role-playing reasons there is no advantage in this. I'm not saying it shouldn't be in the game. Just that it shouldn't be a priority.

eggy wrote:-more mouse button support: up to 9 buttons (for logitech G5 mouse)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't you set-up the G5 buttons to respond like keyboard keys? So, as an example, you set mouse-button 04 to "R", then you bind your in-game function (as an example "reload") to "R" and now you can reload with mouse-button 04.

I don't know about the wireless thing. I always assumed wireless connections would work just like wired ones and if there is an additional lag it's the uniform lag from being wireless. I didn't think this would have something to do with how many bots are on a server unless the connection in slow in general but that wouldn't necessarily have anything with it being wireless. If there is indeed a probem with wireless connections and it's not the fault of the providers I agree that optimization is in order.
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Postby eggy » Mon Oct 27, 2008 12:24 am

the damage and cost of the weapons must be in a server.conf file sow if you host the server then the server will check the server.conf file so you don't need to edit the source.

for the hammer what I mean:

hammer(hammer-button)=> for pistol clicks the hammer back for ready to shoot again, for rifles and shotguns clicks the hammer back or pump [that button is for after shoot to shoot-ready again (normally its automatic)
the hammer button is like the reload button you hold the button click left weapon and clicks the weapon ready for the right its the same use as the left.
but you don't move slower then if you reload. (or will slow down little you choose :wink: )

for fire2 by pistols don't need the hammer button, for other weapons you will needed after shooting, because by pistols fire2= fast shooting
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Re: New requests

Postby Pardner » Mon Oct 27, 2008 10:20 pm

Welcome to the forums! I like the idea of the extended butt/scoped peacemaker. It would be a fine addition to the game :) Unfortunately, I think the dev team is really pushing to get the stand-alone out, so other projects have been put on hold.

eggy wrote:-the server admin can choose the damage of the weapons and how much they cost.

I have wanted to do this for sometime (although I have never really publicly talked about it) This is much like the Q3 mod E+ or Vogon. It only requires a server patch, but as result it cannot be a pure server. I had hopes to find some time to play around with making a SG mod after the stand-alone (SA) is released.

After the SA is released, the source code will also be released. Meaning if there is something that you want in the game, you can make it yourself :)

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Postby Murphy » Tue Oct 28, 2008 8:29 am

eggy wrote:for the hammer what I mean:

I see. Just to clarify: You want this not because there would be an advantage to it that could save you from getting killed but you want this for immersion purposes?
If so, I agree it would be nice to see. If some of you think the difference isn't that high or that pressing another button every time can become a chore, download and play the HL1 mod The Trenches. They have manual bolting there and it does wonders for the immersion. Red Orchestra: Ostfront has manual bolting too but it's done by clicking the fire-button again, which isn't nearly as cool.
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Postby eggy » Tue Oct 28, 2008 9:42 pm

Pardner wrote:Welcome to the forums!


for the damage and cost weapons:
eggy wrote:the damage and cost of the weapons must be in a server.conf file sow if you host the server then the server will check the server.conf file so you don't need to edit the source

Murphy wrote:the HL1 mod The Trenches. They have manual bolting there and it does wonders for the immersion.

yes idd, like the Trenches mod from halflife1 you have reload and reload2. That is what i mean for the hammer button.
but if you host the server you can set by options that manual bolt or automatic bolt...
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Postby ReD NeCKersoN » Wed Oct 29, 2008 2:51 am

Some good discussion! Thanks for the ideas eggy. Like Pardner mentioned, we're simply struggling to get this thing released as it is. I hope the community will step up to the plate once the code is released. :)
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Postby Pardner » Wed Oct 29, 2008 6:43 pm

eggy wrote:the damage and cost of the weapons must be in a server.conf file sow if you host the server then the server will check the server.conf file so you don't need to edit the source

I understand completely what you are getting at. I supose I was just thinking out loud. What I was getting at is that I would modify the source code and make a mod simular to Excessive+ (E+). In E+, the server admin can control game physics, game speed, weapon speed, weapon damage, what items spawn on the map, and what weapons the player starts with. What I would like to do is make a mod that does all that for Western Quake3/Smokin-Guns. This way each server running the mod would be different..... or a server could be different on each day of the week!! :) This would be a great addition to the community because I, personally, feel that there is very little difference between RAWHIDE, Wastelands, CFF, G4J, and NightlyHooker. Right now, the CFF server is my favorite because it haS br_ maps in the rotation and voting is disabled. This makes for a fun change up. If the admin could control the server like in a E+ mod, each server would be completely different!! Now that would be fun!!

Murphy wrote:If some of you think the difference isn't that high or that pressing another button every time can become a chore

I like the idea of having a manual bolt, but it might be a little difficult with akimbo pistols. I think it would be a cool addition to the rifles and the shotties though. Also, I think this could be easily avoided by a simple bind:
Code: Select all
/bind x "+attack;wait;+bolt"

Now we have people running around firing as fast as computerly possible!!
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Postby eggy » Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:25 pm

Pardner wrote:I understand completely what you are getting at. I supose I was just thinking out loud. What I was getting at is that I would modify the source code and make a mod simular to Excessive+ (E+). In E+, the server admin can control game physics, game speed, weapon speed, weapon damage, what items spawn on the map, and what weapons the player starts with. What I would like to do is make a mod that does all that for Western Quake3/Smokin-Guns. This way each server running the mod would be different..... or a server could be different on each day of the week!! :) This would be a great addition to the community because I, personally, feel that there is very little difference between RAWHIDE, Wastelands, CFF, G4J, and NightlyHooker. Right now, the CFF server is my favorite because it haS br_ maps in the rotation and voting is disabled. This makes for a fun change up. If the admin could control the server like in a E+ mod, each server would be completely different!! Now that would be fun!!

Yes idd thats true, its more fun!!

Pardner wrote:I like the idea of having a manual bolt, but it might be a little difficult with akimbo pistols. I think it would be a cool addition to the rifles and the shotties though. Also, I think this could be easily avoided by a simple bind:
Code: Select all
/bind x "+attack;wait;+bolt"

Now we have people running around firing as fast as computerly possible!!

Thats not difficult if you use akimbo pistols, use the button like you reload the guns ... , so you press the button then the left gun this will span the left gun again, for the right its the same use as the left ..
The server admin can choose for manual bolt or automatic bolt (settings for hosting server ...)
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