TheDoctor wrote:]Correct. Previously, baseq3/pak0.pk3 was part of SG1.1b5a. Seems, RC1.1 no longer contains baseq3/pak0.pk3, but all the files inside the pk3 individually. Probably, this is a packaging mistake. I asked /dev/random and he added baseq3/pak0.pk3 to the Bude's servers FTP space to fix the problem.
Probably that won't be the only file needed! i managed to get pak0.pk3 however now the server is requiring the download of the following file.
Probably since all you guys upgraded from the beta 5, and did not a clean install, these details were overlooked. However they are at some level important, because without them a new user can't play online.
TheDoctor wrote:Since the server says the client, where to download files, it's the serveradmin's responsibility to ensure the necessary files are available. Proving a central download source such as will lift some responsibilities of the shoulders of serveradmins and would lead in the long run to an overall more reliable gaming experience.
Yes, exactly my point was really that. It would make more sense to have a central repository for this instead of letting servers carry that "burden".
TheDoctor wrote:Independent of this, let's not forget, we're all amateurs. None of us is doing this professionally, i.e. as part of their day job. I'm not aware of anyone making any kind of money from SG. As a consequence, we lack the time and resources to test every detail. That's kind of the bad side of free games that you have to accept. It's for free, but also unsupported.
I'm sorry if if you thought i was not being polite and demanding something it was not my intention. In fact i really appreciate the work you guys do here. As you can see from my registration here, i've been a casual smokin guns gamer, since 2006. I really appreciate the work made by "amateurs" (like you put it). Furthermore i'm a great supporter and advocate of open source projects, either Linux, libreoffice on other effors in gaming like OpenArena, and Smokin' Guns.
My critics were meant to be constructive and improve the experience from a user point of view. Please note, that as happened to me, it will be very likely this happens to others users trying SG for the first time. And believe me, not everyone has the patient to came here to the forum and give their feedback.