With cordite in the air, splintered steel, shell casings and powder burns, there’s only one explanation...
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Moderators: Tequila, Tournament organizers

Spring 2014 Tournament - Registered Teams

Postby -Murdoc- » Tue Apr 22, 2014 5:52 pm

Registered teams and Tournament Staff : (this list will get edited every time) Registrations are closed.

1. *DESTINO* :  lovetardiano (ITA), alex_zone (ITA), lion (ITA), piriii (ITA), bunuel (ITA)

2. .BoH| : Amigo (CZ), Dooker (CZ), Murdoc (FR), Vicallo (TUN), Melon (CZ), Gringo (GR, reserve)

3.!NuB! : Sunrise (GER), Muffin (GER), Arzon (FR), MsH (FI)

4. NitrOuS - No$# : Furkan (TR), Faruk (TR), Emre (TR), Mete (TR), Metehan (TR), Senol (TR)

5. !>cS<! : Kerygma (HU), Chaos (TUN), Tornedo alias Sko (TUN), Brian (GER), Bart (GER), Pedro (TUN)

6. ***GOLD*** 1 : Anonymous (GER), Beginner (SER), Prodigy (RO; leader) and Killer (JOR; reserve)

7. ***GOLD*** 2 : Fafo (ITA), Fire (JOR), Red Hawk (TUN), Rammstein (RO; leader; reserve) and Costel (RO; reserve)


Admins and organizers : Bart, Murdoc

Admins decision :

We received a complaint from GOLD 2 against cS players Pedro and Poseidon/Brian. After reading server logs and see pictures of GOLD 2, we decide to remove 3 points to cS team and banish tournament Pedro and Poseidon/Brian for : Insults and disrespect against another clan and sexist insults against "GOLD Fire" player. The changes takes effect now ! We hope to see no behavior like that in the future.
Julian (Bart) and Raphaël (Murdoc) Tournament organizers.

Last edited by -Murdoc- on Fri Jan 02, 2015 2:14 pm, edited 29 times in total.
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Quick Draw
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