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Weapon switching

Postby dowoshek » Thu Dec 17, 2009 12:36 pm

I have two questions about weapon switching:

1. Is there (or will be) in 1.1 any way to switch weapon directly without displaying weapon-menu and necessity of confirmation by clicking fire button? IMHO, it's currently one of the most annoying thing in the game.

2. New bug in 1.1: I use a bind key for switching to akimbo mode (weapon 2; weapon 2; weapon 2). It works in 1.0. Now if I use one pistol as the current weapon (for example at the beginning of every round) and will buy or pick second pistol and want to use the bind key it highlights not the akimbo but the second pistol. Now to switch to akimbo I have to firstly switch to other weapon (knife or rifle) and then use the bind key.

So let's sum... if I want to use akimbo I must:
- buy or pick up second pistol
- choose knife (the menu pops)
- confirm knife (fire button)
- press bind key for akimbo (menu pops)
- confirm akimbo (fire button)
Dude I'm probably already dead :roll: And thank god I can at least bind "buy pistol action".
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Postby Pardner » Thu Dec 17, 2009 3:52 pm

I suggest learning how to use "lastusedweapon". You still have to use the scroll wheel to select your weapons, but it will save your life in middle of the match.
1) Select your akimbo pistols
2) Select your secondary gun (shotgun etc)
3) Press your "lastusedweapon" button you toggle between the two.

And its not like there's a ton of weapons to select. there is only three pistol option and one secondary. If you have the akimbos out, its only 1 scroll to the shotgun. The pistols are sorted in the same way they are sorted in the buy menu.

I can understand that in a hurry it would be nice to have a button that brings to right to a certain weapon. For instance, if you press "1" it highlights the knife, but you will have to press fire to bring it out. Also with the secondary gun. You can only carry one, but when you press "3" you still have to press fire to bring it out.

Possible in the future this can be addressed. This would need some testing and rework, as what makes one happy will make another unhappy. (which is true for most features/changes)

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Postby dowoshek » Thu Dec 17, 2009 5:12 pm

So, about point 1 answer is "no" i guess :) The necessity of confirmation of your choice of weapon by clicking fire button is USUALLY a redundant information you need to supply, isn't it? Anyway, it'd be nice to see such option in future releases - surely, it could be a CHOICE to set in options of the preferred way of switching weapons.

And about point 2. I think you missed my point... I know about (and use all the time) the option of last used weapon but it doesn't help at all in the case. Before using last weapon key i still need to have akimbo mode activated FIRSTLY. And with the bug that i mentioned I have to switch to knife (or rifle) then back to akimbo. Then i can switch to knife or rifle again and HERE i can use last used weapon key to get akimbo directly... So how is it helpful? :roll:
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Postby Pardner » Thu Dec 17, 2009 5:47 pm

well, i didn't address your point 2, i only addressed part of your point 1)
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Postby dowoshek » Thu Dec 17, 2009 5:54 pm

Pardner wrote:well, i didn't address your point 2, i only addressed part of your point 1)

Ohh... sorry :roll:
I wish point 2 weren't left so alone and un(a)dressed 8)
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Postby Allied » Fri Dec 18, 2009 6:31 pm

I can confirm this bug, it's somewhat annoying at the start of a round when you buy a revolver to have to switch to knife first before you can switch to akimbo. After that I do use LUW, it's just more annoying when starting a round.
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Postby dowoshek » Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:30 am

This bug is still present in b4.

Another bug is: when you hold "crouch" button and "reload" button at the same time you can't move right or forward (but you can left and back).
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Postby moRtem » Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:18 pm

dowoshek wrote:Another bug is: when you hold "crouch" button and "reload" button at the same time you can't move right or forward (but you can left and back).

This is rather your keyboard's fault. The effect is called "masking", and is caused due to normal keyboards nowadays having no built-in diodes anymore.

To fix this, you could either try to bind your stuff onto other keyboard-buttons, or buy an "anti-ghosting" keyboard. Some gaming-keyboards offer this feature.

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Postby dowoshek » Mon Jan 18, 2010 1:23 pm

You're right Mortem. It works after redefining.

But I guess it's not only the keyboard issue as it works well in 1.0.
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Postby sparcdr » Mon Jan 18, 2010 4:49 pm

Pardner wrote:3) Press your "lastusedweapon" button you toggle between the two.
side note: aka quick switch
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Postby dowoshek » Tue Jan 19, 2010 9:08 am

The akimbo bug is very annoying for me and it seems like you're going to ignore it :( So, just to be clear... is it going to be fixed?

And is there a chance for solving the keyboard issue?
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Re: Weapon switching

Postby El Cattivo » Wed Feb 13, 2013 8:53 pm

So as to not start a new, parallel thread, this is my version of this feature request:

  1. Please create the option to switch to weapons immediately instead of cycling through lists.
    1. Having to select from a list before selecting a weapon seems like a silly thing to have to do when there are only four weapon slots, and only two of which can ever have more than one weapon in non-cheat mode, as there is only one melee weapon and players are only allowed to carry one large firearm at once. Also, the game is so fast-paced that it's rare that users are carrying both dynamite and molotov cocktails at the same time.
    2. Having to hit the fire key to confirm my weapon selection totally throws off my game, especially when I get distracted by in-game events (such as someone shooting at me while I'm carefully scrutinizing the weapon-select menu) and I forget that the weapon-select menu is up.
    3. The contrast between selected and not-selected in the weapon-select menu is very poor so I keep picking the wrong pistol mode or tossed weapon. I'd rather just cycle through the weapons until I get the one I want since I seem to be doing this anyway with extra steps.
    4. The poor contrast of the weapon-select menu is especially problematic if I'm trying to cycle through weapons while running, as mouse wheels tend to always scroll through the menu too quickly. (It's difficult to be delicate with a mouse wheel while shifting the mouse about.)
  2. Please make it possible to bind keys to select specific weapons directly. I like to bind a key to melee weapons (yeah, sometimes there's actually something more convenient than the '1' key), and I tried to bind a key directly to the dynamite, but I still have to go through the rigmarole of the weapon-select menu.
  3. With the immediate-weapon-switch feature, please make it so that the game remembers which weapon was last selected in each slot. For example, if a player were to select pistols akimbo via '2', switch to another weapon, then press '2' again, it should go directly to pistols akimbo without having to cycle through the two single-pistols.
    1. This could probably be handled as a weapon-slot-state. Look at Shadow Warrior for an example:
      1. There were two melee weapons bound to '1'. The game always remembered which melee weapon you last selected when selecting the melee weapon, the exception being when you pressed the next/previous weapon keys to cycle through weapons.
      2. Shadow Warrior's shotgun had two firing modes, and two other weapons each had three different firing modes. When switching weapons, the game always remembered which mode each weapon was in.
    2. The game should remember whether the knife was equipped for stabbing or throwing. I imagine it would be extremely beneficial to be able to switch to throwing knives in a single keystroke when you and your opponent both empty your guns of bullets at near-close-range but aren't quite close enough for stabbing.

The lastusedweapon feature does not justify dismissing these requests as trivial. It is a great feature, but if I forget to switch from two-pistols, to something else, then back, then I get in a shootout and run out of pistol ammo and press the lastusedweapon key, I end up switching back and forth between a single empty pistol and two empty pistols (because I had to press '2' three times to get to pistols akmibo). I might try to select another weapon, but then I get flustered with the drop-down weapon-select menu, and then my opponent finishes me off while I'm trying to select a usable weapon.
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Re: Weapon switching

Postby Tequila » Thu Feb 14, 2013 9:45 am

Hi and welcome El Cattivo ! (Your face is really scary :))

Your request really makes sens for me. At each time I come back to the game, I always think like you and I always want to look at the code and enhance the weapon selection...

I just created a "feature request" in our Trac site as ticket #47. I'm personnaly agree to work on this as we will have UI stuffs to update but this is still not my own priority, so anyone wanting to help here will be totally welcome ;)

People can give their 2 cents here or in the ticket.


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Re: Weapon switching

Postby MsH » Thu Feb 14, 2013 4:17 pm

Everything is working nice IMO

I prefer confirm system when using mousewheel.
It would be good if 1,2,3 and 4 buttons doesn't need confirm.
But it won't make my gameplay any faster.
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Re: Weapon switching

Postby Biondo » Thu Feb 14, 2013 11:58 pm

What ElCattivo is saying makes a lot of sense. Every FPS has fast keys to change weapons. In SG you can have them too, tweaking your q3config.cfg file, but that's beyond something a newbie could suspect. I learned to play SG before somebody told me the secret to get fast weapon switch, so I never use those keys, not even today. It would be nice if SG code could include a fast way to switch weapon.
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