I wanted to make all aware that I have a workable release candidate for Mac users. If you've already downloaded the generic package, you may download the skeleton bundle from:
*Sorry - link removed*
If you do not have Smokin' Guns and only have a Mac, or don't mind setting side additional space get it from:
*Sorry - link removed*
* Note: this is a release candidate not a final version, but should be advertised as being supported and may be mirrored. It is based on SVN revision 216 (Committed fixed matched in 218) of the 1.1 branch and not the 1.0 branch. The content is identical to the contents of the generic zip, minus the png and exe, with pk3 files from baseq3 and smokinguns directories merged into
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Smokin' Guns.app/Contents/MacOS/smokinguns
I only note three bugs (Two caused by code) being:
Resolution is off because most modern Mac systems have 16:9 or 16:10 widescreen. Make sure you've launched Smokin' Guns at least once, and change in
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/Users/myuser/Library/Application Support/SmokinGuns/smokinguns/q3config.cfg
On occasion you may get a q3console warning about buffering the sound stream, but it doesn't seem to affect anything.
The other issue, pretty minor, is botlib.log shows up in /Applications for some reason.
If you use the skeleton app bundle, you will need to copy .pk3 files from the generic zip or a previous 1.0 installation into the above noted directory, which is accessible by performing a ctrl + click on the Smokin' Guns bundle extracted from the skeleton zip and navigate into
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To make sure you're running widescreen, drop down the console and page-up to the top.
Have a good May!