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SG1.1b4: open trap doors from underneath

Postby TheDoctor » Sat Mar 26, 2011 4:09 am

In SG1.1b4, the size of the player entity seems to have grown, especially in height. Aside from making it more difficult to jump into small openings such as a broken window, it is almost impossible to open trap doors from underneath (see bank wagon at dm_train or prison cell at dm_hangemhigh).

Probably there are sound reasons for this change, so I looked for a quick and dirty way to enable at least the trap doors again. I found it at game/g_mover.c in qboolean G_MoverPush( gentity_t*, vec3_t, vec3_t, gentity_t**): replace the following line
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|| check->r.absmax[2] <= mins[2] ) {

with this line:
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|| check->r.absmax[2]-13 <= mins[2] ) {
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Re: SG1.1b4: open trap doors from underneath

Postby Tequila » Sat Dec 15, 2012 3:19 am

Finally I taked a look at your hack...

And it reminded me about another hack I did some time ago... My hack was to fix the hitbox when I had to refactor some dirty hacks in the bullet damage code.
Btw, your suggestion told me to look again at my hack and I understood it was inserted a little too early... Just before player can touch triggers.

Okay, so I just moved my hack after the call to G_TouchTriggers in g_active.c and that bug is now fixed.

You can check the patch in r655 SourceForge revision or in our GitHub repository

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