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Postby Bodie » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:49 am

I can't read the PM. I hoped it'd fix itself but it seems like it's fried.

SQL Error : 1264 Out of range value for column 'user_unread_privmsg' at row 1

I'm glad you have found the source of the error. If that's the case we probably don't need to use up your resources for the script, I only need to get through to lu to ask another update and reconfig. I haven't got much root time in the past few weeks, I hope maybe this weekend I can get some. This would also allow starting the process of logging people's IPs and GUIDs via the script which in turn we could share to other servers.
SG names: Bodie (aka mS // Donnie).
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Postby Bodie » Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:06 pm

K, Jeux is updated now. You can get recent visitors and userinfos where main logs are. :-) Thanks for the new version, I will check if Misak can still sneak in.
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Postby Bodie » Sun Apr 03, 2011 6:34 pm

It turns out we will have to move in to Baller Bude with the script after all. :-)

We ran into a few speedbumps with this last script that we don't seem to be able to get around of... At first script wasn't initiating properly for a couple of days (our fault), then when that was fixed, it turned out script can't write to the local banlist.txt file:

"command" is:"add # TEST" default:""
"command" is:"" default:""
"response" is:"executed add # TEST." default:""
"command" is:"test" default:""
"response" is:" is banned: local, line 2, # TEST." default:""

Seems like script was writing the bans somewhere else into a 2nd file - but it wasn't in the banlist.txt afterwards and server-wide grep couldn't find this entry in any file, while permissions were set properly. Simply put, we couldn't figure out where new bans are stored - but for sure it wasn't the designated file.

Another problem we ran into was printing of this error lines:

18:05 <lululaglue> but i've lot of error in my screen
18:05 <lululaglue> print() on closed filehandle STATUS at
/opt/games/smokin_guns/bans_by_ip.pl line 280.

So I asked lu to disable the script so it's not turned on in tomorrow's server restart (6 am) - please enable our copy on Baller Bude. Our last banlist can be taken from here: http://log_sg.jeuxlinux.fr/banlist.txt

Thanks in advance for letting us crash on your couch, :-)

SG names: Bodie (aka mS // Donnie).
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Postby TheDoctor » Sun Apr 03, 2011 11:11 pm

Check your emails of your gmail account. I've started an instance of the script for jeux on bb.smokin-guns.org. Right now, I think it is working correctly. In case you ever want to host this script yourself again, let me know several days (not hours) ahead.

rane wrote:Seems like the script was writing the bans somewhere else into a 2nd file. Another problem we ran into was printing of this error lines:
18:05 <lululaglue> but i've lot of error in my screen
18:05 <lululaglue> print() on closed filehandle STATUS at
/opt/games/smokin_guns/bans_by_ip.pl line 280.

If you didn't change the configuration line
Code: Select all
my $local_list   = 'banlist.txt'; # local IP banlist filename

the script will try to read and/or create the file in the directory it is executed in. In other words, the error messages fit your problem: probably the script has no right to read/create the file. You could have tried to specify an absolute path in the script. Example:
Code: Select all
my $local_list   = '/home/lululaglue/banlist.txt'; # local IP banlist filename
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Postby Bodie » Thu Apr 07, 2011 12:20 pm

Works very well so far. It's kind of a relief to finally be done with all the turmoil. :-) Thanks again.
SG names: Bodie (aka mS // Donnie).
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Postby TheDoctor » Thu Apr 07, 2011 7:00 pm

@spi wrote:On Friday April 08th, 2011 the internet connection of BB will be down for 1 hour. The cause is a change from fiber optic media converter to switched physical connection by our ISP. The maintenance is planned between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m.
A server restart is not planned, so I do not expect problems. But just in case, I will have an update-to-date backup of the banscript (and everything else) ready! ;-)
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Postby Bodie » Sun Apr 10, 2011 11:44 am

Is this even possible? I wasn't here before he did rewrite the banlist so I can't tell if he actually wiped it out. I'm too scared to test it on any of the running servers. Please test. :-|

9:56 <Myrmidonas> Bodie!!!!!!!
09:56 <Myrmidonas> i did something really stupid........
09:56 <Myrmidonas> are u there?
09:57 <Myrmidonas> i tryied to remove a ban from yesterday and i removed the
whole banlist......
09:58 <Myrmidonas> at first i pressed command "del 93.22."
09:58 <Myrmidonas> but it wasnt removed
10:00 <Myrmidonas> i went to the site that host the bans and check how to unban
10:00 <Myrmidonas> then i pressed command del: 93.22.
10:00 <Myrmidonas> and the whole banlist was gone....
10:01 <Myrmidonas> i will try to add them manually...
SG names: Bodie (aka mS // Donnie).
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Postby TheDoctor » Sun Apr 10, 2011 1:59 pm

rane wrote:Is this even possible?

It shouldn't. Problems could occur, if there are running two concurrent version of the script on the same computer, but this was not the case.

Anyway, I recovered the original local_banlist.txt which was backed up this morning at 7:45 CEST. On bb.smokin-guns.org, we have established a daily backup in a weekly rotation, so if something goes wrong, we have 1 week to recover the most recent state. You can speed up a recovery, if you state the exact weekday of the backup the files need to be restored from.

I also tried to reproduce the error without success. The command
Code: Select all
\rcon set command del: 93.22.

did delete exactly 1 line. But I will conduct further tests as soon as I have more time.

UPDATE: OK, I now understand what happened. A naked "del: " command was executed. Obviously, the script missed a child-proof lock to prevent this. I've just added it. ;-)
jeux_ban.log wrote:Sun 10 Apr 2011 09:53:34: set response "executed del:. Removed entries: 137."
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Postby Bodie » Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:45 pm

Thanks for the quick restoration of the backup and for fixing the script. I wasn't here all day so I'm twice as glad it got resolved without having to retype all the bans again.
SG names: Bodie (aka mS // Donnie).
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Postby Bodie » Mon Apr 25, 2011 12:36 am

Would it be possible to add all people without GUIDs to the script for autokick - with an explanation similar to what Baller says in such a case? It'd serve exactly the same purpose as on Baller but without a necessity to use B3 for it. It'd automatically exclude people who can't be identified in any other way than their IPs.
SG names: Bodie (aka mS // Donnie).
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Postby TheDoctor » Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:46 pm

rane wrote:Would it be possible to add all people without GUIDs to the script for autokick - with an explanation similar to what Baller says in such a case?
OK, I'll add this feature within the next days.
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Postby Bodie » Tue Apr 26, 2011 12:46 pm

Big thanks for that. :-)

On a sidenote of that, do you know, have you tested how adding more IPs to the banlist affects the script? Does having a longer banlist affect it much? What's the upper limit of banlist size before we get into trouble?

Also, would it be possible to implement MOTD into the script, a message the script would say every time or every few times it executes? I'd very much like it to say "http://webchat.quakenet.org -> join #sg.wars if you want to speak with admins" so people can easier find us outside the game.
SG names: Bodie (aka mS // Donnie).
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Postby TheDoctor » Tue Apr 26, 2011 9:21 pm

rane wrote:Do you know if adding more IPs to the banlist affects the script? Does having a longer banlist affect it much? What's the upper limit of banlist size before we get into trouble?
As the number of players has a low upper boundary, the overall time the script needs to perform its task grows linearly with the number of banlist entries (which is a good thing). The CPU consumption for the ban scripts of Paladin/SB is typically below 0.2% and their BB-based list is 10x larger than that of Jeux. In other words: don't worry; happy banning!

Also, would it be possible to implement MOTD into the script, a message the script would say every time or every few times it execute?
Possible, yes. But I don't know whether this script should become a "LittleBrotherBot". I would implement it, if you promise me it will be the one and only feature not related to bans you will ever need. No multiple lines, no rotation, no financial accounting ...
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Postby Bodie » Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:19 pm

You know how much I'd want to have B3 on Jeux (more I can't have it, more I want it) - but that doesn't mean I want to burden you with writing it from scratch and in Perl since I realize you have own servers to run and script. The reality is that we don't really need most of the B3 functions (and some aren't even possible like the censorship of the chat) - and what we actually needed (long banlist and player DB) you've already were kind enough to make for us. Now I am trying to get rid of last two mundane and repetitive tasks admins have to do - which is tracking GUID-less players and spamming the server with the location of our place in IRC.

MOTD has more good uses than just IRC spam, imagine we organise one of our tournaments, we'd edit the MOTD variable and could announce it to the world without any bigger effort. We could post some general server guidelines and rules this way too - the way B3 bot announces to the world that cheaters will be hung. I bet other servers will have plenty of application for that too. It'll add a very solid feature for everyone at the expense of one extra variable and function - and I think it'll cover our bases enough to not require any further expansion into B3 territory.

Summarising, I'm out of ideas for now, don't worry. :-)
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Postby TheDoctor » Thu Apr 28, 2011 10:48 pm

Concerning the MOTD: do you want to use "\rcon say TEXT" or "\rcon TEXT"?

The former does a beep and a line break, but is limited to 151 chars (including color tags). The prefix is "server: ".

The latter supports around 700 chars, could crash the server if too much chars are used, does no line break at the end and is mute. The prefix is "console: ".
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