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Your experiences with SG 1.1 beta 5a :

It works like a charm (better than SG 1.0)
It works well (as good as SG 1.0)
It does not work very well (worst than SG 1.0)
No votes
It was terrible (please explain why)
No votes
Total votes : 23

Beta testing on 1.1 beta 5a

Postby Joe Kari » Mon Feb 27, 2012 11:19 pm


This thread is dedicated to the beta-test of SG 1.1 beta 5a.
You can read this post before.

Please, be sure to download and test only SG 1.1 beta 5a.
For every new version, a new thread with a new poll will be created.

Please note that 1.1beta5a is not compatible with 1.0 and 1.1beta4
Last edited by Joe Kari on Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Joe Kari » Tue Feb 28, 2012 2:50 am

After testing a whole maplist (enter the console and /exec server.cfg), I didn't have any problem, except one: there is a mistake at end of the file "mapcycle_small_dm.cfg":

set mapcycle_small_dm7 "vstr dm_config ; map dm_train ; set mapcycle_small_dm vstr mapcycle_small_dm8 ; set nextmap vstr mapcycle"

... should be:

set mapcycle_small_dm7 "vstr dm_config ; map dm_train ; set mapcycle_small_dm vstr mapcycle_small_dm1 ; set nextmap vstr mapcycle"

This mistake cause the maplist to not start over after reaching the last map (dm_train).

Except this config error, the game was running well, I voted "better than SG 1.0", cause a lot of bug have been fixed, and I haven't experienced new one after few hours of testing (WinXP).

Linux FPS are a lower, as it used to be, sounds are slightly worse (but I didn't try to tweak openAL), and while playing in windowed mode, there was a strange constrast between lightmap and vertex light. It didn't happen after switching back to fullscreen. Probably some driver issues.
I didn't have any crash or freeze or anything critical.
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Postby smile » Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:29 pm

Can i put here my sugestions and observation? About bugs...?
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Postby Joe Kari » Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:41 pm

Of course, that's the purpose of this thread ;)
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My feedback

Postby Bart202 » Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:06 pm

Hi! I downloaded the file and started the game. I watched the single player & options. And especially the maps.

The Game: I started the game, it's much brighter. At first I got a shock! The Menu is also very bright! But then when you play the game on the maps it's great to play. I think it makes it very noble, you think it's better graphic.

Options: I played and saw that the console letters got much smaller. I don't like that, you have to watch very hard to see what you have hit on your opponent! And Importanst if you have hit him. I would REALLY RATÉ YOU TO CHANGE THAT BACK TO STANDART HOW IT WAS IN 1.0.

-Also I watched the settings etc, 1 point: I think it would be better to turn this on, I'm speaking of Auto download. For example if you will make a mappack for this new Version any time .. new players will have problems to get this.
Because nobody knows if ever will appear a 1.2 ( dreams :P ). If 1 makes a gun for example, it would be very difficult to get this to new players.

The gameplay: Really nice! I like it! It's stable but I will try out many things like ALT + ENTER etc..

1 big problem: If I want to vote for a next map in single player I can't choose the gametype .. so it shows me only dm maps. I am doing anything wrong ?
Lago works normal by the way.

The maps: I am happy that some new maps are in it! :) But when I played on Terra Nova .. There were much more maps. I know you want to make only the best maps into the new version... but I am MISSING FOLLOWING MAPS still:
-Tjinjia (by lon or however you write this name ;) )
- HARBOR, it's so a great map! / maybe use old harbor also.
- Pardners new map! so great!
- Villa by ElBarto (great! )
- As far as I remember ReD made a Duel map! Include this! I like it!
- Dago made a few maps like Darkfort, and some other remakes of old maps of westernq3, also a fort was there!He made a really great dm map also... this 1 was like dry.
- Outpost, a really great map .. and when it's only a beta
- Alamo 1 still playable ? ( second is really really great! )
More Maps, more variety! More fun! What you have is what you have!
All in all it's a enormous update to 1.0! Total change!

I am using a Windows 7 (64bit) pc with i7 cpu & 1 of the newest graphic cards so I don't know if some maps lagg anymore etc.
Online test with other players will bring more bugs etc.


I hope I helped. If you have questions ask ;)

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Postby Bart202 » Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:11 pm

Ah I forgot anything:
Why I can choose only 8 models ? Where are Donut's models ? We need them ! :) Just some new things should be cool :)

The bow is also missing, and maybe donuts new gun will get included ? :)

I can reach 90 fps ? is that standart ?

Also I saw now .. when I want to take a screenshot .. and then open it ... there is no folder with screenshots ...
In the Map Santa Cruz there on deffer spawn on the bank on the stairs the underst stage has a bug.

ok spent 2 hours for testing ;)
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Postby a.k47 » Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:48 pm

Bart, the models have to be downloaded as well as the 1.1b5 engine...you can downloade them somewhere in this forum...i don't know where :D
the new models are not implicated in the newest release of smokin guns...

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Postby Biondo » Tue Feb 28, 2012 11:21 pm

Played a few games and it seems to run very well. I'd have to play at least 50 games to see if it crashes as SG 1.1b4 or not, but until now nothing to say.

Bart, new maps are not included, just copy them from your SG 1.1b4 install.
Had no problem with brightness, the game was as dark as in SG 1.1.b4 (too dark for me) until I loaded my personal settings.

The first impression is really good, but I can't say if it is only that when playing in Single player mode you have a low ping.

Good work anyhow, and keep on!! We are in it mainly because of the master server's crisis, but this is a good occasion to look forward.
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Postby Juaro Juarez » Tue Feb 28, 2012 11:33 pm

Works very smoothly in single player, i still couldn't manage to get to multiplayer tho.
I think the mappack pk3's you created are missing some basic maps like santacruz or Durango. At least i think so, since it was starting to autodownload when i was trying to connect to jeuxlinux.fr, after disabling autodownload it tells me, i'm missing textures, so... pretty weird the whole thing.

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Postby smile » Tue Feb 28, 2012 11:39 pm

So at first....
Good Side
Evrything works much faster..... rly...
game is better optimalized i mean when i play....
stable 80 fps on alamo :/ still not so the best but i wiat for map hmmm WoW! :)
Aiming....?! idk what happend but first time i hit in first shoot with lighting :P
Options didn't check everything yet... but looks better optimalized as i say at first so even players with old pc can play with normal fps... witchout lagg :)
P.S i test it on 3 pc.... mine, old one and notebook

Ofc more in good side but i forgot i will edit this post or make new one....

Bad side :(
maybe at firs about menu... and hud
so menu where i select singleplayer multiplayer demo etc
Its crazy o.O it change 100000 times per second i hear only pikpikpikpikpik..... idk why i didnt click any button.... anyway next step...
map alamo :) bug witch shadow when i destroy towers/walls but i told you about that half year ago or something like that..... next woho! the best bug what i ever see :D litle tower with barrel i try camp at middle roof? if i can called roof i hope so you know about what place i talk i try hmmmm duno how much times and always go down... and finaly barel rocket me.... i fly hight... and hit skybox.... also is fewe place where i cant stay just fall down.... with high speed :P ah last i can jump at horse.... idk why even when i jump from wall....

I will try set server even only for fewe days.... to testing new sg in multiplayer :)

OMG! My english >.< -.-

OMG Bots think?!?! Any changes in bots code?! they try always follow me and go to my camp place o.O
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Postby ricochet » Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:20 am

Seems i replied in the wrong thread - that's what you get for working in too many tabs :roll:
I will just repost here.

No 64Bit dedicated binary :(

So i built it myself. Server starts but crashes after seconds:
Code: Select all
ERROR: opStack corrupted in compiled code (offset 4)
----- Server Shutdown (Server crashed: opStack corrupted in compiled code (offset 4)) -----

I tried the 1.1 branch - that works. However, when i run the binary from the 1.1 branch in combination with the pk3s from the 1.1b5 i cannot connect with the 1.1b5 client. I have used the 1.1 branch binary successfull with even 1.0 pk3s before. That seems weird to me.

Single Player Client

No 64Bit binary :oops:

Runs very smooth. No crashes, no bullshit.

Lago Map looks weird.

I see, compatibility with 1.0 is broken. By editing the pk3 file as mentioned some posts above, compatibility with 1.1b4 seems kinda broken, too. Terra Nova is running 1.1b4. Here is a screenshot from that server to show the problems.
I dont think that is a good idea ... as far as i know there is downward compatibility as long as the new versions carry the old pk3s along. I have played 1.0 servers with 1.1b4 clients a lot. This would be better. It will take time for all servers to upgrade once 1.1 is released. In the meantime we would have players to mange two installtions otherwise - not good.

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Postby dansh » Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:52 am

ricochet wrote:Server
No 64Bit dedicated binary :(

So i built it myself. Server starts but crashes after seconds:
Code: Select all
ERROR: opStack corrupted in compiled code (offset 4)
----- Server Shutdown (Server crashed: opStack corrupted in compiled code (offset 4)) -----

I tried the 1.1 branch - that works. However, when i run the binary from the 1.1 branch in combination with the pk3s from the 1.1b5 i cannot connect with the 1.1b5 client. I have used the 1.1 branch binary successfull with even 1.0 pk3s before. That seems weird to me.

I had a similar error, the problem was in the unstable / new distribution Linux. If you are using a debian-like OS, then put the Ubuntu 10.04 LTS amd64 - this version compiles and runs all excellent.
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Postby ricochet » Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:01 am

dansh wrote:
I had a similar error, the problem was in the unstable / new distribution Linux. If you are using a debian-like OS, then put the Ubuntu 10.04 LTS amd64 - this version compiles and runs all excellent.

Would you be able to verify this; i.e. build and an run a 64 Bit binary from the 1.1-release branch?

I cannot roll out a different OS on my server just like that and i have no 64 Bit OS on my machines at home to test.

Since the 1.1 branch works fine i tend to not believe it would be a problem on the OS side.

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Postby dansh » Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:14 am

ricochet wrote:
dansh wrote:
I had a similar error, the problem was in the unstable / new distribution Linux. If you are using a debian-like OS, then put the Ubuntu 10.04 LTS amd64 - this version compiles and runs all excellent.

Would you be able to verify this; i.e. build and an run a 64 Bit binary from the 1.1-release branch?

I cannot roll out a different OS on my server just like that and i have no 64 Bit OS on my machines at home to test.

Since the 1.1 branch works fine i tend to not believe it would be a problem on the OS side.

I have SVN630r, if you want SVN631r - I can compile it tomorrow, because now there is no possibility.
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Postby Joe Kari » Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:17 am

As you may know, there are some ioq3 backport that were removed. Some of them intended to improve 64bits support.

Sorry for that, but actually those same backport caused a lot of trouble, and are not stable at all.

Please note that 1.1beta5 is not compatible with 1.0 or 1.1beta4.
Also that doesn't make any sense at all to test 1.1beta5a with 1.0 VM.
No need to add some unknown variable to the beta-testing, or having people reporting bug that are fixed already because they have joined a 1.0 server. This beta should become 1.1 as soon as possible.
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