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Moderators: torhu, Tequila

Your experiences with SG 1.1 beta 5a :

It works like a charm (better than SG 1.0)
It works well (as good as SG 1.0)
It does not work very well (worst than SG 1.0)
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It was terrible (please explain why)
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Total votes : 23

Re: Beta testing on 1.1 beta 5a

Postby Joe Kari » Tue Mar 27, 2012 9:31 pm

Pardner wrote:Hey Joe, I am having trouble with the new 1.1b5 specifically the rotating trains. Did they not make it into the release?

Also, When I build the sg_release solution exe and qvms I get the same graphic errors that we had in the first 1.1b4 release (invisible map sections). I'm using MSVS2010 and the sg_release solution from the 1.1-release branch. When I build the sg_debug everything works fine.

They are in and should work.
At least they work in Alamo2 (there is one butterfly in Alamo2 that is a rotating train).
What exactly is wrong?
Have you got a map of your, where I can see it?

About your build, current windows build were made with MinGW, and since I'm not a MS VC user I cannot help you much...
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Re: Beta testing on 1.1 beta 5a

Postby /dev/random » Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:49 pm

Barto wrote:Just as a point of comparison, I also downloaded the source code of the current svn version of ioquake 3 (r2224) and it doens't compile too (I don't send the log, let's stay in SG subject). But as I said, all *nix users could use the standard i386 arch insead (I have no problem about it), this works perfectly.

"Works for me TM". I can compile ioq3/trunk on x86_64 both natively and as ARCH=i386 without any problems.
Is the error you get when compiling ioq3 the same as with SG? Feel free to dump the whole log into some nopaste service.
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Re: Beta testing on 1.1 beta 5a

Postby Pardner » Wed Mar 28, 2012 12:57 am

Joe Kari wrote:
Pardner wrote:Hey Joe, I am having trouble with the new 1.1b5 specifically the rotating trains. Did they not make it into the release?

Also, When I build the sg_release solution exe and qvms I get the same graphic errors that we had in the first 1.1b4 release (invisible map sections). I'm using MSVS2010 and the sg_release solution from the 1.1-release branch. When I build the sg_debug everything works fine.

They are in and should work.
At least they work in Alamo2 (there is one butterfly in Alamo2 that is a rotating train).
What exactly is wrong?
Have you got a map of your, where I can see it?

About your build, current windows build were made with MinGW, and since I'm not a MS VC user I cannot help you much...

I emailed an older version of the map. The carts do not rotate with the 1.1b5 from moddb, but they do when I compile my own. Congrats Joe, your the first to have it! |D
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Re: Beta testing on 1.1 beta 5a

Postby TheDoctor » Wed Mar 28, 2012 7:33 pm

Tequila wrote:I propose to host all well-known good maps on something like http://download.smokin-guns.org/ and to help admins to setup their dedicated servers so people will easily reach all maps, even new maps and updated maps out from any major release. ;)

IF you have the necessary resources, I'd agree wholeheartedly.

This would also open new possibilities to distribute and update the game, if you would follow the scheme of incrementing pk3 files as in "SG1.X = SG1.(X-1) + update1.X.pk3". You should also consider packaging each map individually, so server administrators more easily can choose which maps are played on their servers.
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Re: Beta testing on 1.1 beta 5a

Postby /dev/random » Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:15 pm

TheDoctor wrote:
Tequila wrote:I propose to host all well-known good maps on something like http://download.smokin-guns.org/ and to help admins to setup their dedicated servers so people will easily reach all maps, even new maps and updated maps out from any major release. ;)

IF you have the necessary resources, I'd agree wholeheartedly.

Like I've said, you don't neccessarily need to have the downloads hosted on smokin-guns.net, it would just need an official DNS record at that domain (like the master.* one), which could point to any voluntary 3rd party server. Or even better yet, use a mirror system (like MirrorBrain, see my previous post) which can do load-balancing between multiple mirrors.

There are currently 3 usable mirrors for the v1.5 beta, so I guess you'd not have problems finding mirrors to host the maps as well. Using MirrorBrain, the mirrors do not need to have all files available and you can also give them priorities. This is great if mirrors are short of disk space or bandwidth.
A word of warning; I have not actually tested a MirrorBrain installation, just read their readmes. My suggestion would be running the MirrorBrain server at on of the dev's servers (requires some maintainence to setup the mirrors) and offload most downloads to other mirrors.
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Re: Beta testing on 1.1 beta 5a

Postby Pardner » Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:51 pm

TheDoctor wrote:You should also consider packaging each map individually, so server administrators more easily can choose which maps are played on their servers.

This was the reasoning behind making a fan-map-pak. The maps that are included withing the sg_mapsX.pk3 were going to be mandatory for servers to run (not really mandatory as re-packing is always an option) and the fan-map-pack would have all the maps in an individual pk3 so the admin can pick and choose.
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Re: Beta testing on 1.1 beta 5a

Postby JippiJaYeah » Thu Mar 29, 2012 7:07 pm

I install SG 1.1b5 on a clean Windows Server 8, connected to TN and downloaded all files.
But there was some missing textures, especially textures in joekarimat1.pk3 and joekarimat2.pk3 files.
The joekarimat1.pk3 and joekarimat2.pk3 were correctly downloaded to C:\Users\[...]\AppData\Roaming\Smokin’ Guns\smokinguns,
but it seems that SG 1.1b5 didn't find them.

So i copy joekarimat1.pk3 and joekarimat2.pk3 to C:\Program Files (x86)\smokin guns\smokinguns.
SG is now finding the missing textures.
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Re: Beta testing on 1.1 beta 5a

Postby TheDoctor » Thu Mar 29, 2012 8:44 pm

JippiJaYeah wrote:I install SG 1.1b5 on a clean Windows Server 8, connected to TN and downloaded all files. But there was some missing textures, especially textures in joekarimat1.pk3

@Jippy: Read this post.
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Re: Beta testing on 1.1 beta 5a

Postby Tequila » Fri Mar 30, 2012 7:12 am

@TheDoctor & @/dev/random,
Thank you for your interest in my proposition/wish ;)

I wasn't aware of MirrorBrain project, thank you /dev/random. I checked a little and that's a pretty impressive project. I'm still not sure Smokin'Guns really need such system at the moment, but I think I'll give it a try later (need enough free time also to handle the goal). So for now, providing a http://download.smokin-guns.org site should be sufficient for direct downloads from the game.

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Re: Beta testing on 1.1 beta 5a

Postby /dev/random » Sat Mar 31, 2012 6:16 pm

Tequila wrote:I'm still not sure Smokin'Guns really need such system at the moment, but I think I'll give it a try later (need enough free time also to handle the goal). So for now, providing a http://download.smokin-guns.org site should be sufficient for direct downloads from the game.

I just suggested such a mirror system, since I don't know how much traffic would be needed. I currently host the autodownload files for TheDoctor's servers (among other files, which are available to the public, though these are not frequently downloaded). Total traffic has never been more than 10GB/month so far, most of the time even below 1GB.
If you were to host all the official downloads yourself, you'd need to roughly estimate the traffic, since after all someone will have to pay for it. Thus the idea of using a heavy weight system such as MirrorBrain, to distribute the traffic among multiple mirrors (e.g. yours, mine and anyone else who's willing to mirror) to reduce the cost and load.

This might not be needed after all, since the SG (core-) community is rather small and so are the number of in-game downloads. Things would run perfectly fine with just s single server for the downloads.
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Re: Beta testing on 1.1 beta 5a

Postby TheDoctor » Sun Apr 01, 2012 1:11 am

Remarks regarding the maps in SG1.1b5:
- *_lake: please add the nopicmip flags to the tree branches. Otherwise, r_picmip 16 is Napalm.
- dm_station: seems, this (v2.8) is a more uptodate version of the map (e.g. train doors of the luxury passenger wagons are not blocked if a player stands directly in front of them)
- dm_tillian (and every other map, with openable doors that do not close automatically): for each door, use botclips to block the spaces a door is opened in the one or other direction. Otherwise, the bots will run against already opened doors, since they are unable to close doors and their wayfinding seems to assume doors to be closed (Bots basically think, they must reach the position of the closed door to activate the door, but they might already run into the door beforehand, if it's already opened). I have not found a way to fix this via the engine.
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Re: Beta testing on 1.1 beta 5a

Postby Joe Kari » Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:04 pm

TheDoctor wrote:Remarks regarding the maps in SG1.1b5:
- *_lake: please add the nopicmip flags to the tree branches. Otherwise, r_picmip 16 is Napalm.
- dm_station: seems, this (v2.8) is a more uptodate version of the map (e.g. train doors of the luxury passenger wagons are not blocked if a player stands directly in front of them)
- dm_tillian (and every other map, with openable doors that do not close automatically): for each door, use botclips to block the spaces a door is opened in the one or other direction. Otherwise, the bots will run against already opened doors, since they are unable to close doors and their wayfinding seems to assume doors to be closed (Bots basically think, they must reach the position of the closed door to activate the door, but they might already run into the door beforehand, if it's already opened). I have not found a way to fix this via the engine.


- lake was made by lethal (you know what it means ^^)
- I got dm_station directly by Donut himself, @Donut: is this your latest version?
- yeah I use that trick on Alamo and it works well... if someone is volunteer to patch all map and re-compile them, that would be nice... but it's a huge work, since compiling a map for release (with VIS calculation) can take few hours (Alamo takes 4 or 5 hours on my old setup, ReD told me that Coyote Bluff takes 7 or 8 hours... I guess old map are built faster but it is still a long work).
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Re: Beta testing on 1.1 beta 5a

Postby ReD NeCKersoN » Tue Apr 03, 2012 4:41 am

Joe Kari wrote:ReD told me that Coyote Bluff takes 7 or 8 hours...

I did? Must have been many years ago.
For some reason I'm thinking it only took a couple of hours at most the last time I compiled it, on a single core amd athlon 3200+ w/ 1gb ram. But I could be mistaken.
At any rate, are bots really worth recompiling all of the maps? If you had some other reason for recompiling them I could see adding this fix at the same time. Unless someone just wanted to do the tedious grunt work for the heck of it.
Just my 2 cents. :twisted:

EDIT: If someone on the team wants to add the bot clips, then send the altered map files my way, I am willing to compile them since my old pc is sitting idle anyway & it's still set up for such things.
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Re: Beta testing on 1.1 beta 5a

Postby Pardner » Tue Apr 03, 2012 12:30 pm

I had started a "map bug report" thread, I suppose I could clean it and add botclip to the list of things to do. I got a fairly new computer: AMD Phenom II X3 (tripple core) and most compiles take less that 1/2 hour. I think the only acception is El Paso... that map takes hours! On my old single core laptop, El Paso would take 16 hr!
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Re: Beta testing on 1.1 beta 5a

Postby sunrise » Tue Apr 03, 2012 1:53 pm

Why isn't it possible to set cl_mouseAccelOffset "0" anymore?
It worked in 1.1b4.
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