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Baller Bude Feedback, Discussion, Question & Answer Thread

Postby TheDoctor » Fri Aug 31, 2012 1:23 am

Hi folks,

this is the Baller Bude and Terra Nova Robbery Bude feedback, discussion, question and answer topic. You may use this topic to give feedback and to ask questions about Bude servers and generally their future development. Official changes and announcements, to which some of the comments below may refer to, are posted in the Baller Bude News, Announcement and Changelog topic.

Best regards,

The Doctor - Technical Administrator of Baller Bude and Robbery Bude
Last edited by TheDoctor on Sat Sep 01, 2012 4:29 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Baller Bude Feedback, Discussion, Question & Answer Thre

Postby Bart202 » Sat Sep 01, 2012 9:19 am

At first, really nice features with the colours etc, :) I am happy that somebody cares about it and helps sg to get better :twisted:

"August, 2012: added a filter for kill messages controlled by \cg_killmsg. IMHO, kill messages shouldn't spam the chat. Set \seta cg_killmsg 1 to re-enable the old behaviour."

- I don't like that feature :/ I was shocked because I always want to know who killed me and if you played other games there you will see that you always get noticed who killed you 8( I need to have it in console and I would rather you to bring it back :|

But thank you for your features :)
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Re: Baller Bude Feedback, Discussion, Question & Answer Thre

Postby Bart202 » Sat Sep 01, 2012 12:31 pm

Also your speedup is totally nonsense .. I can't hit anything with that speed because of the timenudges. That's totally nonsense .. I wish you will change that back
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Re: Baller Bude Feedback, Discussion, Question & Answer Thre

Postby TheDoctor » Sat Sep 01, 2012 3:49 pm

Bart202 wrote:cg_killmsg: I don't like that feature

Just use \seta cg_killmsg 1. Who killed whom is still shown on the right-hand side graphically. Moreover, who killed you is center-printed. In the middle of games, I never had the need to open the console to read up, who I was killed by the last 10x times. Instead I was always annoyed by kill messages cluttering the chat, making conversation during games almost impossible.

Concerning my alleged speed-up: I don't know what you're referring to. Speed-wise, everything should behave as before. The only speed-related change is an optional display of the moving speed. The speed itself remains unchanged at 200 units per seconds.
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Re: Baller Bude Feedback, Discussion, Question & Answer Thre

Postby Biondo » Sat Sep 01, 2012 4:11 pm

Maybe Bart was talking about this kind of speed :D

Nice improvements overall: expensive dyna (a long awaited changment!), SpecialBude reincarnation, and others.

TheDoctor, maybe you should crosslink this topic with the Baller's changelog one.
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Re: Baller Bude Feedback, Discussion, Question & Answer Thre

Postby Col Sanders » Sun Sep 02, 2012 5:23 pm

After quite a bit of tinkering I've come to the conclusion that the Baller Bude server is set not to allow downloads, despite requiring that the client allow them. So I'm posting this for the benefit of both the administrator(s) and any users trying to figure this out.

Initially I was getting kicked out with a message that I didn't have zvm.pk3 and needed to allow downloads. I changed my settings to allow downloads. This resulted in a screen showing a download commencing, but a message saying server is not set to allow downloads. I verified my q3config.cfg contains:
Code: Select all
seta cg_allowDownload "1"
seta cl_allowDownload "1"

I am running Ubuntu Lucid using the 64 bit .deb from this thread: http://forum.smokin-guns.org/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=3185&p=24598&hilit=.deb#p24468. Changed folder permissions and turned off firewall, still no luck. However, notices that the "server info" screen for Baller (from the "Join" menu) indicates:
Code: Select all
sv_allowDownloads 0

I found and manually downloaded the missing file here:
Saved it to ~/.smokinguns/smokinguns/ and all works fine. While playing noticed that I wasn't the only one getting kicked.

Others are not having the problem, but I suspect they happened to have the needed file and will have the same problem when they end up missing a pk3.
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Re: Baller Bude Feedback, Discussion, Question & Answer Thre

Postby TheDoctor » Sun Sep 02, 2012 8:56 pm

Col Sanders wrote:After quite a bit of tinkering ...

Thanks for the time you spent finding a solution and for registering so you could share it to everybody.

First of all, I did make a mistake, for which I apologize: I wrote \cg_allowdownload instead of \cl_allowdownload. I think this is the main source of confusion, since it tells players a non-solution. Another pitfall is to write \cl_allowdownloads (plural) which does not work.

If you allow downloads, either via \cl_allowdownload 1 or via Settings -> Game Options -> Auto Download, before connecting to Baller Bude, your client, if you use Smokin' Guns 1.1, should download the missing files. If it does not, check whether you use an old executable.

Anyway, zvm.pk3 indeed is currently the only difference, between Baller Bude, as it was before September 1th and thereafter. In the future, this might change.

Col Sanders wrote:this resulted in a screen showing a download commencing, but a message saying server is not set to allow downloads.

There are two download mechanisms built into Smokin-Guns: the first,controlled by sv_allowdownload, where the game server really does host the files, appending parts of a file to messages sent to the client. This is the old way, which does not work on BB because it is slow and (possibly) a security risk for the server. The more modern way is to host the files via HTTP and set the CVar sv_dlURL accordingly. From the messages above, I conclude your client does not support the second method.

Col Sanders wrote:I am running Ubuntu Lucid using the 64 bit .deb from this thread: http://forum.smokin-guns.org/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=3185&p=24598&hilit=.deb#p24468.

I cannot test 64bit executables, but I'll ask Dansh to take a look at it.

Col Sanders wrote:Changed folder permissions and turned off firewall, still no luck.

Good thinking, but in this case, it's the executable you're using, I'm quite sure.
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Re: Baller Bude Feedback, Discussion, Question & Answer Thre

Postby Col Sanders » Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:12 pm

Thanks for the quick reply and explanation, Doc. In light of that I suspect you are right about the executable.

For the time being manual download as described above is a functioning workaround for anyone having the same problem.
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Re: Baller Bude Feedback, Discussion, Question & Answer Thre

Postby TheDoctor » Mon Sep 03, 2012 12:35 am

Col Sanders wrote:Thanks for the quick reply and explanation, Doc. In light of that I suspect you are right about the executable.

Dansh replied to me that HTTP downloads are working fine for him. I asked which version of the CURL library he uses. Maybe you can watch for the following or similar messages regarding CURL when your client tries to download something:
Code: Select all
Loading "libcurl.so.3"...WARNING: could not load cURL library

I once had the problem that OpenArena was linked to an older version of CURL than I was using. When it didn't find the library it expected, HTTP downloads didn't work. My solution was to link libcurl.so.3 (the required version) to libcurl.so.4 (the version I had)
Code: Select all
cd /usr/lib
ln -s libcurl.so.4 libcurl.so.3
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Re: Baller Bude Feedback, Discussion, Question & Answer Thre

Postby Col Sanders » Mon Sep 03, 2012 3:43 pm

Well, we're definitely getting somewhere, but I haven't quite got it. I renamed the pk3 I previously downloaded manually and tried again. Sure enough...
Code: Select all
Loading "libcurl.so.4"...WARNING: could not load cURL library

So in this case it's looking for libcurl4. In 64 bit Ubuntu Lucid /lib64 is a link to /lib. /lib32 contains many of the libraries, with /lib containing links to those. In /lib I had no libcurl. In /lib32 I have these:
Code: Select all
:~$ ls -la /usr/lib32/ | grep curl
... libcurl.so -> libcurl.so.4
... libcurl.so.3 -> libcurl.so.4
... libcurl.so.4 -> libcurl.so.4.1.1
... libcurl.so.4.1.1

So I tried each of these:
Code: Select all
sudo ln -s -T /usr/lib32/libcurl.so.4 /lib/libcurl.so.4
sudo ln -s -T /usr/lib32/libcurl.so.4.1.1 /lib/libcurl.so.4

No luck with either. Any ideas?
Last edited by Col Sanders on Mon Sep 03, 2012 10:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Baller Bude Feedback, Discussion, Question & Answer Thre

Postby sunrise » Mon Sep 03, 2012 5:46 pm

I don't want to interrupt your discussion, but i'm wondering, if i can change back the colours of the hitmasseges to default with a command.
I really liked the contrast between playername and the old colour.
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Re: Baller Bude Feedback, Discussion, Question & Answer Thre

Postby TheDoctor » Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:10 pm

sunrise wrote:Can I change back the colors of the hit messages to default with a command?

No, currently not. I would like to reserve green for chat. Any other color you would like me to use?
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Re: Baller Bude Feedback, Discussion, Question & Answer Thre

Postby dansh » Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:14 pm

Col Sanders wrote:No luck with either. Any ideas?

I also use Ubuntu 10.04.4 64-bit. My console says:
Code: Select all
Loading "libcurl.so.4"...OK

My library /usr/lib/libcurl.so.4 is a symbolic link that points to the file /usr/lib/libcurl.so.4.1.1.
Try the following:
Code: Select all
cd /usr/lib/
sudo mv libcurl.so.4 libcurl.so.4.original
sudo ln -s libcurl.so.4.1.1 libcurl.so.4

edit your entry in the file q3config.cfg:
Code: Select all
sed -i -e 's/seta cl_cURLLib "libcurl.so.4"/seta cl_cURLLib "libcurl.so.4.1.1"/' ~/.smokinguns/smokinguns/q3config.cfg

In any case, I attach a link to the library from my Ubuntu:
Last edited by dansh on Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Baller Bude Feedback, Discussion, Question & Answer Thre

Postby TheDoctor » Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:17 pm

Col Sanders wrote:Well, we're definitely getting somewhere, but I haven't quite got it.
Code: Select all
Loading "libcurl.so.4"...WARNING: could not load cURL library

So indeed libcurl is indeed the culprit.

Col Sanders wrote:I tried each of these:
Code: Select all
sudo ln -s -T /usr/lib32/libcurl.so.4 /lib/libcurl.so.4
sudo ln -s -T /usr/lib32/libcurl.so.4.1.1 /lib/libcurl.so.4

No luck with either. Any ideas?

I don't know enough about 64 bit systems to help you. If Dansh's suggestions don't work, you could ask in the support forum of your distribution how to get a 64bit version of libcurl. The problem is now clear and abstract enough for getting help there. If you got a solution or an explanation, why this would be a problem, come back here and inform us.
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[SOLVED] Ubuntu 64 download problem

Postby Col Sanders » Mon Sep 03, 2012 10:59 pm

OK .... I'm a bonehead. Doc, Dansh, thank you both.

Dansh, I tried your suggestions. No luck. Also noticed your reference was to /usr/lib, not /lib, so also tried creating symlinks there. No luck. Just when I was about to live with manual downloads, I thought I would try curl on the ccommand line...
Code: Select all
The program 'curl' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:
sudo apt-get install curl

DOH! This despite having various libcurls sprinkled all through the system, but not those I needed...
Code: Select all
:~$ find /*/*/libcurl* -exec ls -la '{}' \;
... /usr/lib64/libcurl-gnutls.so.3 -> libcurl-gnutls.so.4
... /usr/lib64/libcurl-gnutls.so.4 -> libcurl-gnutls.so.4.1.1
... /usr/lib64/libcurl-gnutls.so.4.1.1
... /usr/lib64/libcurl.so.3 -> libcurl.so.4
... /usr/lib64/libcurl.so.4 -> libcurl.so.4.1.1
... /usr/lib64/libcurl.so.4.1.1

Dansh, I don't know how involved it is, but if you update the .deb you may want to add a dependency for curl.

For anyone else running into this with 64 bit Ubuntu, short answer is, install curl:
Code: Select all
sudo apt-get install curl

Again, thanks both. (And Dansh, thanks for the deb!)
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