MsH wrote:Why I can't see deadwood maps in singleplayer mode list?
You need to include a maps/br_deadwood.cfg and a maps/dm_deadwood.cfg file in your deadwood1.3.pk3. See deadwood.pk3 as a reference.
maps/dm_deadwood.cfg wrote:{
map "dm_deadwood"
author "MsH"
longname "Deadwood"
desc_line1 "------Wood? Dead!------"
desc_line2 "----Sheriff? Dead!----"
desc_line3 "-----You? Dead!-----"
desc_line4 "DM"
MsH wrote:Just thinking that could the lighting style in tunnel cause that problem? They are flashing like candle fire.
In current version (1.3), the tunnel is fine for me.
MsH wrote:And I updated DM version, made available to enter in church.
I like that. Nice bell ringing . Wish one could play a few seconds on the piano in the saloon.
MsH wrote:Strange thing: compiling the map took 18 hours.. Before this update it took 30min.
The reason is, I think, is you don't distinguish enough between detail and structural brushes. Structural brushed are used in the visibility phase to precompute, fropm which places surfaces are visisble (and must be drawn) and when not. The more structural brushes you have, the longer this calculation process takes. That's why only large surface should be structural while anything other should be detail. For the incaccessible houses, I even defined simple invisible cubic structural brushes to speed of the process.
You may get an understanding of this if you load your map in the editor and hide all detail brushes. What you see is the optimized deadwood 1.0 structure and some of your recent additions (like the crates and the church interior). The latter needs to be marked as detail brushes.
Two minor things: First, get rid of the .bak files and include the .map files in the .pk3. The .bak files are backups of the .map files. While uncrompressed, map size seems to be significant, they are text based and their compressed size doesn't matter.
Second, there is a left-over part of a bar stool in the saloon.
Keep up the good work!