Here you can see the result.

I hope you like them you can download them here
How to install them:
# Copy the sg_pak0.pk3 to to your Smokin'Guns installation folder. (On Windows, the path could be "C:\Program Files\Smokin' Guns\smokinguns) but save you old sg_pak0.pk3 before somewhere els.
# and enjoy them.
How to delete them:
Just paste your old sg_pak0.pk3 over the new one
If you use them they will delate "Tuco" (the bot and his model)
If you use them you wont be able to play online
Furtermore i have some questoins.
1. Is it possible to add more players to sg in future versions (I mean is ther any way to make more players whisout overwriting the old one)
2. Waht do you thing about my work? Do you like it? Do you don't like it?
I will make two more Indian players (i thought somthing like this Indian if they will ever get added to the game. So i will start with them when i know the awnser becouse i don't whant to wast my time.
So pleas feel free and post your feedback below