I guess this would give a good Modification. Cause at the moment, how Durango is, robbers just got three choices( two of them are really rare, that the succed)
1.Running straight and fast in that tunnel before any robbers can come with sawed offs or dynas( but this one often fails cause of guys campng in the tunnel or in front of it at this house)
2.Running left( which often has no success because of guys staying on that balcony where you can go to from the clothesline or just camping in that house where you have to go to when you want to come to small bank.)
3. CAMP, oh hell yeah and camp( that is most of the time the most accurate way to get succes, so that next round the other team are the Losers
which have to rob.)
EDIT:There is also a modificated way of 2. which brings sometimes succes(more often then just normal 2. and 1.)
That would be if you go left and then go to that fontaine and then straight to Main Bank or small bank ( main gets often diturbed by guys camping on that top of the tunnel thingie or on the spawn barn)[Small Bank is okay, but most of the time when you do that you're the only one left and its also hard then.