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what about bleed?

Postby Nova » Fri Jul 22, 2005 6:06 am

Some time ago i used to play HL mod called: Wasteland Half-Life or The Wastes.
Here u can find some screenshot's: http://www.halflife.pl/mody.php?mod=was ... ja=scrshot it's polish site so u can have problems to undestand what there is wrote... :P

So getting back to topic.. in that mod there is one fun thing. When u have 15hp or sth like that u start bleeding [you are slower and blood drops make noise when they drop] and if someone don't finish u up you will die [the point for frag is going to player which make you bleeding]

I think that we can test if it's suit westernq3 mod, if of course that improvement isn't so hard to involve. :)
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Re: what about bleed?

Postby El vAkonD » Fri Jul 22, 2005 11:31 am

Nova wrote:So getting back to topic.. in that mod there is one fun thing. When u have 15hp or sth like that u start bleeding [you are slower and blood drops make noise when they drop] and if someone don't finish u up you will die [the point for frag is going to player which make you bleeding]

I think that we can test if it's suit westernq3 mod, if of course that improvement isn't so hard to involve. :)

hey, you've stolen my idea :) i thought about this too yesterday.
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Postby M.R. » Fri Jul 22, 2005 9:56 pm

fuck blood damage. the Action quake mod had blood damage, and in other ways was very similar to western quake. However, if you add blodd damage, you end up adding bandaging to stop blood damage, and you simply further complicate a game without adding any realism. Besides, who wants to limp around useless while they wait to bleed to death? All implementing decreased movement speed at low hp and adding blood damage does in 3-d shooters is make them slow and irritating. Jesus, any feature that makes it necesary to "/bind K Kill" is a st00pid and pointless feature.
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Postby ReD NeCKersoN » Fri Jul 22, 2005 11:51 pm

Discussion and varying opinions is a good thing. But it'd be nice if we can voice an opinion without referring to other players ideas as being stupid. I agree with your views on this topic MR but could you be a little less intimidating? :)
At any rate, even if we wanted to implement a "bleed" system we simply don't have the manpower to do stuff like that at this time.
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Postby Nova » Sat Jul 23, 2005 1:00 am

I agree with some points which M.R. posted, but as i said when i was playing in hl_mod it was realy fun.
Maybe another idea would be more accurate, but i have to think.. :P
see u on irc.quakenet.org #westernq3
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