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wq3 open source compiled

Postby torhu » Sun May 29, 2005 10:54 pm

It seems Spoon had been working on the wq3 code for a couple of weeks after the release of the beta 2.0 version. The code for all three qvm files had changed. If anyone's interested in testing it to see if anything has changed, here's the compiled result of his work. I haven't found any visible changes yet. This is obviously not compatible with the wq3 version used by the servers, so you have to start your own server or play single player to test it. Or play on a server with sv_pure=0, which is hard to come by.


You only need the wq3_torhu.pk3 file, the diff files are just to show what I've changed to make the code work. I've uncommented two lines, and changed wq3_version to "b2.00 OPEN SOURCE". So load map and type wq3_version in the console to verify that you are running this file.

If you are interested in compiling the code, I have some useful notes here. The source comes with workspace files for VC++6, and is here.
Please post here or pm (or xfire) me if you have questions.

I've attempted to fix the hitfile loading error on macs, post here.

Please do NOT start posting bug reports. I have never worked with the q3 source, nor the wq3 source before, and understanding enough of it to actually fix a bug might require more time than I have. Especially fixing something that Spoon himself couldn't fix might be an herculean task. This is just hoping that someone might be interested in helping out. 8)
Last edited by torhu on Wed Nov 02, 2005 5:28 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby ReD NeCKersoN » Mon May 30, 2005 6:26 am

This is very interesting work you've got here. :D
I'm wondering if I might ask you to look at something. There used to be a working animation of the "pistol twirl" taunt all the way up to the beta 2.0 release. In light of your findings, this makes me think it's a code bug. A simple fix maybe?

Note: I've only seen it once since the release...in the final gunfight vid. I've been meaning to ask the director about it to see if this is something he manipulated, or if it might be authentic. The latter seems unlikely as this problem affected all reporting beta testers and the dev team.
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Postby torhu » Tue May 31, 2005 1:15 am

I've been looking at the code for four straight hours to figure out where the taunt animations are disappearing. But the loading of the animation files looks ok, and it seems that the animations are triggered, but still they don't show. The sound works, however.

There are two different taunts, called TORSO_TAUNT and TORSO_TAUNT_PISTOL (=pistol swirl?) in the code. These names are in the animation.cfg files too. I'm guessing that the taunt animations are contained in the upper.md3 files. It would be helpful if someone could verify that the taunt animations are actually there, and that they are not replaced by a neutral animation or something. I don't know anything about animations.

In the wq3 open source package there are some files:

I guess these are the sources for the taunt animations.

I have compared the wq3 sources to the quake3 1.32 sources without finding any significant difference in how the taunts are handled. Others are more than welcome to have a go at fixing this. The code is only a mere 119,309 lines. :?

EDIT: It's actually only 95,274 non-blank lines. Thank God.
Last edited by torhu on Tue May 31, 2005 9:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby ReD NeCKersoN » Tue May 31, 2005 5:31 am

torhu wrote:I've been looking at the code for four straight hours to figure out where the taunt animations are disappearing. Others are more than welcome to have a go at fixing this. The code is only a mere 119,309 lines. :?

YIKES! Well thanks for trying and I didn't mean for you to lose any sleep over it. 8O I was hoping it might be something simple but that is apparantly not the case. It's not really a big deal...just something that has irritated a few of us over the years.
PS. I might have a go at learning modelling/animation at some point in the future. Maybe then I might be able to help look into this.
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Postby torhu » Tue May 31, 2005 9:21 am

Don't worry, I haven't lost any sleep over it yet. :)

I might try asking for help with this at a quake 3 modding forum, since I don' fully understand how the player animations are handled, and there is so much code involved in it. But it's likely that this would be a fix that has to be applied both to servers and clients, since some of it is handled in the code that is common to qagame and cgame. So it may be better to try to find some server-side only bugs to work on instead. There's not much point in releasing a new wq3 version with only a handful of small fixes, but server patches are fine, since you can replace only qagame, and the clients don't need to change anything. Things like the mac hitfile fix is server-side only.

Btw, how often do people really use the taunts anyway? Wouldn't it be a sure way to get killed?
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Postby ReD NeCKersoN » Tue May 31, 2005 5:40 pm

torhu wrote:Btw, how often do people really use the taunts anyway? Wouldn't it be a sure way to get killed?

I will use the taunt to draw someone into range when I am hiding. I'll also use it after I've done something special, like a multiple kill. :twisted:

Some good ideas you have on the code stuff, btw. Programming is greek to me I'm afraid. :lol:
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Postby torhu » Wed Jun 01, 2005 12:07 am

Some good ideas you have on the code stuff, btw. Programming is greek to me I'm afraid. :lol:

No problem here's a crash course :D

Code: Select all
// just a function, subroutine or whatever
bool fire_gun(int ammo)
   if (ammo > 0) {
      ammo = ammo - 1;
   if (ammo = 0)
      return FALSE;
      return TRUE;

// program starts here
int main()
   int ammo = 6;
   while (still_ammo && bad_guy_is_breathing)
      still_ammo = fire_gun(ammo);

If you can see the logic in that piece of C, you can replace Carmack anytime. :P

Ok, that was today's coding. Don't ask me to learn mapping, I'll leave that to you. :wink:
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Postby ProjecT » Thu Jun 02, 2005 4:33 am

i understand it man, mabye wen i get some time (uni holidays soon)ill try n help ya with some coding.
i only understand it cuz ive done a hell of alot C++ and visual basic crap so yea if i can help hit me bak. :wink:
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Postby dolny » Thu Jun 02, 2005 11:15 pm

A new WQ3 version - hell yeah ;) Guys - how hard is it to convert from Q3 mod to Enemy Territory? We mustn't create better models etc at the moment - free engine would be a chance for a rebirth.
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Postby torhu » Thu Jun 02, 2005 11:42 pm

Very good, ProjecT. It's not likely that I can fix a lot of bugs on my own, it will take too much time. So I'll be very pleased if someone wants to assist, or maybe even take over the whole show. Here are some links to get started if you are new to Q3 modding:


I'll put my stuff here:
You need patch to use the diff files, diffutils to make your own. It's very simple, yet powerful stuff.

Please ask if you have trouble getting started, this applies to everyone interested in helping out. Be aware that knowing C is only a small part of what you need to make any progress, learning your way around a codebase of 95,000 lines is the hard part.
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Postby torhu » Thu Jun 02, 2005 11:58 pm

dolny wrote:A new WQ3 version - hell yeah ;) Guys - how hard is it to convert from Q3 mod to Enemy Territory? We mustn't create better models etc at the moment - free engine would be a chance for a rebirth.

You can ask about this at the Splash Damage forums if you like, please tell us if you get a helpful answer there. But even if it isn't that hard to port the code, it'll probably be very time-consuming. You have to copy the code for each and every wq3 file into the ET files in proper places, and if the ET code differs too much from the Q3 1.27 code in that file, you have hours of fixing to make it work anyway. There are 220 files in the wq3 code.

To make matters worse, I don't think ET can use md3 files for player models at all, it only uses mdm and mdx files for players, and md3 for stuff that is not players.

But it could really be a great revivial for the game, I agree.
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Postby ReD NeCKersoN » Fri Jun 03, 2005 12:55 am

Then you have to consider that the mod would be ridiculed unless it were objective based, like ET. The original maps probably aren't big enough for that so they would have to be heavily modified or just tossed aside and new maps built from scratch. Then there would be the lack of vehicles, so more models would have to be made. Etc, etc, etc.
So far, I've seen 2 people here that know some coding and one other than myself that is interested in mapping.
By the time a port to ET could be made, Quake4 will already be out. In my opinion, it should be far easier to take what we can from WQ3 and make a WQ4 for Q4. Since we know Q4 will be using a modified version of the Doom3 engine, models and maps could be converted (or new ones made) in advance using D3 compatible tools, but I'm guessing the coding would have to wait. Q4 multiplayer mode is supposed to be relatively the same as Q3 which would make porting everything far easier. In my opinion, WQ4 seems like a much more reasonable expectation than WQ-ET. Anyone involved could chip away at it in their spare time without devoting huge chunks of their life to it all at once. In fact, I have been thinking of this very thing for some months now.
Just my 2 cents.
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Postby ReD NeCKersoN » Fri Jun 03, 2005 9:34 pm

Just for the record, I'm not suggesting any of us here should start a new mod project. Let's face it, many of us are grown ups with jobs and limited time. I am mostly just thinking out loud here, but I am thinking of trying to put together a western mod team when Q4 comes out. We will see when the time comes. :wink:

Now for you coders out there trying to improve WQ3, I found something interesting that you might find useful!
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Postby ProjecT » Sun Jun 05, 2005 8:25 am

ok man ill start checkin it out in about 2 weeks wen my exams r ova, then ill try n get a grip of it lol no promises but ill hav a serious attempt.

laterz :wink:
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Postby sig11 » Tue Jun 21, 2005 12:13 am

Although just making conversation doesn't create code ;-) I'll still add my opinion : AFAIK The DoomIII engine is quite different from Q3 so it might be similarly difficult porting to DoomIII as it is port to ET. OTOH, by now DoomIII has probably the better graphics. (but I first would need to get an adequate computer ;-) ...)
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